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Advisor tracks your deposits and processing statistics over time. Receivables Manager has the status of all payments and invoices over the selected date range Advisor tracks your deposits and processing statistics over time.
If there are exception items to be processed, a message in red appears notifying the user.
Click the ‘Message’ to see outstanding exceptions.
Selecting a timeframe under Cash Application Search will display exception items for that particular timeframe. Test Customer
Test Customer Test Customer Clicking on a particular exception item will bring up that item for repair.
The exception reason is displayed. Test Customer 123 Main Street Boston, MA 02134 The exception reason is displayed.
Test Customer 123 Main Street Boston, MA 02134 If the transaction is a multi-document transaction, there will be a line item for each document in the transaction
Test Customer 123 Main Street Boston, MA 02134 You can reference each image in the transaction by clicking on each line item or the thumbnail images below.
Test Customer 123 Main Street Boston, MA 02134 You may also insert or delete statements if needed to balance a transaction.
Required fields are all displayed. Input only the “match” field here. Aperture Science Required fields are all displayed. Input only the “match” field here.
Aperture Science When the input (“match”) field is matched, all the necessary fields are populated automatically from the stored invoice/statement files.
You can also use the ‘Find Invoice’ tool to search through invoices. Three Guys Plumbing Lighthouse Insurance Company PO Box 4110 Woburn MA 01888-4110 You can also use the ‘Find Invoice’ tool to search through invoices.
The find invoice tool enables you to search by any data point in the uploaded invoice file.
For example, you can search by amount, and all invoices matching that amount are listed. McDonalds Five Guys Burgers In-N-Out Burgers
You can also search by name, and any invoice that contains the searched value will be returned. Three Musketeers Plumbing Fifty Three Main Street Trust Three Guys Painting Strike Three Bail Bondsmen One Two Three Salon
Selecting the proper record from the results and click ‘OK’. Three Musketeers Plumbing Fifty Three Main Street Trust Three Guys Painting Strike Three Bail Bondsmen One Two Three Salon Selecting the proper record from the results and click ‘OK’.
Three Guys Plumbing Lighthouse Insurance Company PO Box 4110 Woburn MA 01888-4110 The results from the previously selected search will automatically populate to the selected statement record.
Three Guys Plumbing When there are no more errors with the transaction you may submit the transaction. Lighthouse Insurance Company PO Box 4110 Woburn MA 01888-4110
You may also reject a transaction. Test Customer 123 Main Street Boston, MA 02134 You may also reject a transaction.
Test Customer 123 Main Street Boston, MA 02134 Clicking reject will bring up a drop-down list of reject reasons. Select the appropriate reason and click ‘OK’
Test Customer 123 Main Street Boston, MA 02134 Once an item has been rejected, Lighthouse will pull all original documents associated with the transaction and return to you in next day’s mail
Test Customer 123 Main Street Boston, MA 02134 After repairing the last item, the message ‘No more exceptions available appears. Click OK to return to the home screen.