Nonindicative Verbs Moods Middle Voice
Moods Indicative Reality Subjunctive Probability, possibility (“may, might, if”) Imperative Command Infinitive Verbal nouns (“to”) Participle Verbal adjectives (“ing”)
Tense and Time Present present anything Future future undefined Past English Greek Time Aspect Present present anything Future future undefined Past Imperfect past continuous Aorist Past perfect Perfect past perfective perfective
Aspect Present → continuous Aorist → undefined Perfective → completed/ongoing
Moods Indicative Reality Subjunctive Probability, possibility (“may, might, if”) Imperative Command Infinitive Verbal nouns (“to”) Participle Verbal adjectives (“ing”)
Subjunctive: Purpose Mark 3:14 “And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him (ὦσιν) and so that he might send them out to preach (ἀποστέλλῃ).”
Subjunctive: Conditional Matt 8:2 “Lord, if (ἐάν) you are willing (θέλῃς), you can make me clean.”
Moods Indicative Reality Subjunctive Probability, possibility (“may, might, if”) Imperative Command Infinitive Verbal nouns (“to”) Participle Verbal adjectives (“ing”)
Imperative: Command Matt 3:2 “Repent (μετανοεῖτε), for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Imperative (3rd Person) Matt 11:5 “He who has ears, let him hear (ἀκουέτω)!”
Imperative: Continuous 1 Pet 4:13 “to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing (χαίρετε)” (NASB). “rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ” (NIV).
Moods Indicative Reality Subjunctive Probability, possibility (“may, might, if”) Imperative Command Infinitive Verbal nouns (“to”) Participle Verbal adjectives (“ing”)
Infinitive: Complementary Mark 2:10 “The Son of Man has (ἔχει) authority on the earth to forgive (ἀφιέναι) sins.”
Moods Indicative Reality Subjunctive Probability, possibility (“may, might, if”) Imperative Command Infinitive Verbal nouns (“to”) Participle Verbal adjectives (“ing”)
Participle: Adverbial Matt 1:24 “When Joseph arose (ἐγερθεὶς) from sleep, he did (ἐποίησεν) what the angel of the Lord had told him, and he took her as his wife.”
Participle: Attributive Matt 3:10 “Any tree (δένδρον) that does not bear (ποιοῦν) good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”
Participle: Substantive Matt 7:8 “Everyone who asks (ὁ αἰτῶν) receives, and everyone who seeks (ὁ ζητῶν) finds, and for everyone who knocks (τῷ κρούοντι) it will be opened.”
Voice Active Subject does Middle Subject affectedness Passive Subject receives “by”
Middle and Mouse-Overs Sounds active to us (“God chose us” in Eph 2) Same form as passive (present, imperfect, perfect) Distinct from passive (future, aorist) Deponent (middle/passive)
Sounds Active to Us Eph 1:3–4 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, even as he chose (ἐξελέξατο) us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless before him.”
Middle and Passive Forms Present, imperfect, perfect → same Future, aorist → distinct
Contextually Active Matt 3:1 “In those days John the Baptist began (παραγίνεται) his mission in the wilderness of Judea.”
Contextually Passive Matt 3:10 “Any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down (ἐκκόπτεται) and thrown (βάλλεται) into the fire.”
Participle Adverbial Adjectival Attributive Substantival