How Far or How Fully Questions Denny High History Department
What does a How Far question look like? It will usually start with the stem: How Far “How far does source E explain ...” an event or whatever the historical subject being looked at says.
Sub themes This question will focus on the 3 sub themes which you have looked at in Paper 2. How Far The development of radicalism The continuing support for unionism The crisis of Scottish identify
How Far So How do I answer it? Your opening sentence should include the word “partly”……. How Far i.e. Source B partly describes the impact of the war on Scottish society.
How Far So How do I answer it? Then you must select points from the source and develop each point with recall: CAR How Far The Source illustrates an impact of the war on Scottish society as it mentions (Content) a women who has lost her son (Analysis) this shows the individual grief that people experienced as a result of the war. (Recall) In fact, individual families experienced immense grief as 26.4% of Scottish soldiers who went to war lost their lives.
You get 4 marks for doing this
P.E.E (see sheet) Next thing to do is…. Bring in your own knowledge to show other points relevant to the answer – which are not in the source i.e. P.E.E (see sheet) Repeat this until you have given at least 6/7 pieces of recall
You get 7 marks for doing this
Then a conclusion
3 steps to success Step One Step Two Step Three “Partly” introduction. C.A.R x 4 Recall x 7 in the form of P.E.E