Ventose and Forceps delivery


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Presentation transcript:

Ventose and Forceps delivery

Vacuum /ventouse

Indications MATERNAL Exhaustion Prolonged second stage Cardiac / pulmonary disease FETAL Failure of the fetal head to rotate Fetal distress Should not be used for preterm, face presentation or breech Instrumental deliveries 1-Indications for instrumental deliveries include T1-Prolonged 2nd stage T2-Fetal distress F3-Transverse lie F4-Compound presentation T5-Maternal cardiac disease

MNEMONIC A – Anesthesia adequate  appropriate positioning & access B – Bladder  cathterization C – Cervix  fully dilated / membranes ruptured D – Determine  position, station, pelvic adequacy 2-Prerequisite for instrumental delivery include T1-Cervix must be fully dilated T2-Membranes ruptured F3-Fetal head not engaged F4-Obstetrician unsure about position of the fetal head due to caput T5- Bladder empty/ cathetrized

E – Equipment  inspect vacuum cup, pump, tubing,  check pressure

MNEMONIC F – Fontanelle  position the cup over the posterior fontan  -ve pressure ↑ 10 cm H2O initially & between cont  sweep finger around cup to clear maternal tissue  ↑ pressure to 60 cm H2O with the next contraction

G – Gentle traction  pull with contractions only\\ traction in the axis of the births canal ask the mother to push during cont

MNEMONIC H – Halt  halt traction if no progress with three traction aided contractions vacuum pops off three times pulling for 30 min without significant progress

I – Incision consider episiotomy if laceration imminent J – Jaw remove vacuum when jaw is reachable or delivery assured

Steps of ventose application

Complications Vacuum –assisted delivery is less traumatic to the mother & fetus than forceps Ventouse should be the instrument of choice Maternal  Vaginal laceration due to entrapment of vaginal mucosa between suction cup & fetal head 3-Complications of ventouse delivery F1-Ventouse causes 3rd & 4th degree perineal tears more frequent than forceps F2-Long term effects on neurological & intellectual development of children delivered by ventouse are evident by 4 years of age T3-Cephalohematoma occur in up to 25% of babies T4-Birth asphyxia is related to the force of traction & prolonged procedure (time from application of vacuum until delivery) T5-Cephalohematomas may result in jaundice & anemia of the neoborne

Fetal complications Scalp injuries  chignon  abrasion & lacerations 12.6% scalp necrosis 0.25-1.8% Cephalohematoma  25%  jaundice /anemia Intracranial hemorrhage  2.5% Subgaleal hematoma

Fetal complications Birth asphyxia  2.6-12%  related to extraction force & time Some studies showed decrease birth asphyxia Retinal hemorrhage 50% Forceps 31% SVD 19% Neonatal jaundice


Indications MATERNAL Exhaustion Prolonged second stage Cardiac / pulmonary disease FETAL Failure of the fetal head to rotate Fetal distress Control of the fetal head in vaginal beech delivery

Classification of forceps delivery Outlet forceps  Scalp visible at the vulva without separating the labia Low forceps  Vertex at +2 station Midforceps  Head is engaged but leading part above +2 station  Sagittal suture not in the AP plane of the mother 4-Forceps T1-can be applied to the after coming head in assisted vaginal breech delivery T2-Can be applied to face presentation T3-It is not contraindicated for preterm fetuses T4-Can result in facial nerve damage of the fetus T5-Is associated with a higher fetal mortality than ventouse

Classification Of Forceps Delivery Outlet  Wrigley’s Outlet & low forceps  Simpson /Elliot Midforceps & outlet  Tucker Mclane Midforceps & rotation  Kielland After coming head in breech  Piper

After coming head in breech  Piper

MNEMONIC A – Anesthesia adequate /epidural or pudendal  appropriate positioning & access B – Bladder  cathterization C – Cervix  fully dilated / membranes ruptured D – Determine  position, station, pelvic adequacy E – Equipment complete working forceps anesthesia support

MNEMONIC F – Forceps phantom application Lt blade , LT hand, maternal Lt side pencil grip & vertical insertion with Rt thumb directing blade Rt blade , RT hand, maternal Rt side pencil grip & vertical insertion with Lt thumb directing blade Lock blades

Check application: Post fontanelle 1cm above the plane of the shanks Sagittal suture lies in the midline of the shanks /perpindicular to the plane of the shanks The operator can not place more than a fingertip between the fenestration of the blade & the fetal head on either side

G – Gentle traction  applied with contraction & maternal expulsive efforts H – Handle elevated  traction in the axis of the birth canal  do not elevate handle to early

I – Incision  consider episiotomy if laceration imminent J – Jaw  remove forceps when jaw is reachable or delivery assured

Complications Maternal  trauma to soft tissue 3rd/4th degree double the risk compared to ventouse bleeding from lacerations trauma to urethra & bladder  fistula Pain 17% ventouse 11%

Complications Fetal  bruising & laceration to the face  Injury to the fetal scalp cephalohematoma 9% Vent 25% retinal hemorrhage 30% Vent 50%  skull fracture permanent nerve damage / Facial nerve