Be Prepared To Recruit: How to Welcome Families this Spring
Our Timeline February March April May Summer Confirm if a Pack is Recruiting, Set a youth Goal March Attend District Level Recruitment Training, Order Flyers April Take Signs and Flyers to School, Hold at School Recruitment May Second Recruitments, Earn Bobcat, Start Meeting Summer Earn Summer Time Pack Award, Attend Day Camp
The Must Haves Getting the Word Out Yard Signs and Posters Flyers Scout Talks Stickers
Great Extras Getting the Word Out Family Events at the School Peer to Peer School Contact Lists Sidewalk Talks/Chalk The School Marquees Volunteer Day
Rotational Recruitment
Lecture Style Recruitment 6:50-7:10 Gathering and Greeting 7:10-7:20 Opening Ceremony 7:20-7:35 Cub Scout Activity Explain parent involvement (while youths are doing activity) 7:35-7:45 Youth Return and share new Skill 7:45-8:00 After the Meeting Answer individual, or specific questions for families
First Round, Second Round, Spring Recruitment, What's the Difference? First Round Recruitment At School Stand Alone Meeting Second Round Recruitment Tailored to Fit Pack Needs Might Be a Pack Event or a different location Spring Next years youth (mostly Tigers, so todays kindergarteners) Less Pressure for Den Leaders Only works if you have a good summer program
Exciting Changes this Spring! Spring Recruitment Incentive Youth you recruit in April will receive the early bird discount to Day Camp Online Registration Has been around since last summer, and is running smoothly Families can join even if they miss the Join Night Your Pack can Opt-in through And one More Optional Change
Welcoming Girls to Our Cub Scout Packs
Timeline Oct. 11, 2017 – BSA Board of Directors approved plan to welcome girls into Cub Scouts in 2018 Dec. 14, 2017 – BSA published “Early Adopter” guidelines CAC leadership studied Early Adopter guidelines; decided to not participate in the formal Early Adopter program
The Capitol Area Council’s Plan Goal: Effective roll out that welcomes girls and provides them with the same quality of program that the Council has provided boys Units that meet certain requirements may recruit girls at Spring JSNs Girls will be able to participate in summer activities and day camps Timeline for recruiting girls is similar to recruiting new boy Tiger Cubs
How will it work? Chartering organizations decide, in consultation with units, whether to offer girl dens Dens will be single sex, same rank (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Oh My) Options for packs: Only all boy dens All boy dens and all girl dens Only all girl dens
Changes to the program In general, no changes to program content, advancement, or uniforms
What does my pack need to do? Meet with your chartering organization and decide how to proceed. Share your annual program plan (including program for summertime Pack Award) with your district membership team Follow the Council Recruitment Plan Including updating your Pin And starting new Dens with at least 6 youth