Multicolor study of the interacting galaxies of Leo Triplet Zhiyu Duan 8/12/2005
Leo Triplet NGC3628 Dist:6.7Mpc de Vaucoulers 1975 NGC3623 NGC3627
Previous Studies Interaction of NGC 3627 and NGC 3628 Dynamical distortion Great Impact on gas content - infall Formation of the plume
10’ HI distribution map[1]
Dynamical model of the interaction by Rots, 1978 View from Earth View from North Interaction happened 0.8Gyr ago.
Questions Perturbation of gas any impact on the stellar content (star formation)? Is NGC 3623 interacting with the other two?
Approach Stellar population synthesis: Mapping: Age the SRH of the galaxies Mapping: spatial distribution of age & SFH Looking for similar evolutionary history and Determining the relationship of the 3 galaxies
Observation More than 220 images of U, d-p bands: >70 hours exposure.
PEGASE IMF: Salpeter 1955 SFR: Instantaneous Burst Model N(M) ~ M -2.35 0.1 < M < 120 Msun SFR: Instantaneous Burst Model Only relative age distribution is needed Initial Metallicity: 0.02, 0.008 and 0.0001 Intrinsic Reddening by Inclination: NGC 3623: 71° NGC 3627: 60° NGC 3628: 89° Data from NED
Results: relative age distribution
Age Histograms
Conclusions NGC 3623 is the oldest among the 3 galaxies, but its weak age gradient might indicate recent star formation in its bulge. This galaxy is not isolated. A potential bar is identified within the bulge of NGC 3623. NGC 3627 & 3628 exhibit strong evidence of synchronized evolution. interaction may have triggered star formation in them both.