API October 2015
Expected Learning Outcomes Participants will: Understand a School Improvement Plan cannot intervene its way out of Core. ~Mike Mattos Articulate specific ways Core and Intervention are aligned and connected. Begin to make connections between the SIP and Intervention Matrix within the role of the API.
It starts with shared language, shared understanding… We are going to begin to calibrate the beliefs of this team around your impact upon student achievement, and what you believe about student achievement. Often your role is associated with “Tier 3” services, but like we saw in the text it is an integration of all services within the context of school culture and learning that defines an effective school improvement plan.
Tiered Instruction + + Tier 3 Tier 1 Core Supplemental For Approx 5% of Students Tier 1 Core + Supplemental Intensive Individual Instruction …to pass benchmark assessments. Tier 3 is effective if there is progress (i.e., gap closing). Tier 2 For approx. 20% of students Tier 1 Core + Supplemental …to pass benchmark assessments. Tier 2 Effective if approx. 70-80% of students in group improve performance (i.e., gap is closing) Tier 1 GOAL: 100% of students pass benchmark assessments Tier 1 effective if approx. 80% are meeting benchmark assessments with only access to Core. Set Up (Before first Click): This slide is a new way of presenting the pyramid that folks have seen before but with emphasis on the Tiers as a description of our school’s resources. This part is a high level overview and may generate more questions than answers and this is a good place for the Parking Lot. We add or stack services increasingly as student data warrants. The philosophy is that ALL students are Tier 1 Students. Our goal – always – is that 100% of students will pass the benchmark assessments. What students need to pass the assessments however, will be different. Tiers represent three levels of instruction. Tier 1: Who: All students are in Tier I (Core) What: Evidence-based programs and practices demonstrated to produce good academic and behavior outcomes for the majority of students Effectiveness: If at least 80% of all students are meeting academic and behavior benchmarks in Core alone. What about subgroups? Tier II: ES has procedures for Tier II identification in school’s Intervention Matrix. Who: Students needing supplemental support in addition to Core instruction. Kids who need an extra “scoop” of support. This doesn’t mean they get taken out and moved down the hall. You can do the extra scoop within your classroom. (approx. 20% of students) What: Evidence-based programs and practices demonstrated to improve academic and behavior performance in Core Effectiveness: If at least 70-80% of students improve academic and behavior performance (toward Core standards) Tier III: Who: Students needing Intensive support in addition to Supplemental and Core instruction (approx. 5% of students) What: Evidence-based programs and practices demonstrated to improve academic and behavior performance Effectiveness: Academic and behavior progress toward performance in Core Are 70-80% of your students in Tier II moving toward proficiency? How do you know ? You have data to say what you’re doing is working or not. You have Tier II and Tier III services. It’s about students receiving Tier II and Tier III services-not “Tier II Kids” “Tier III kids.” The effectiveness of Tier III is that the gap is closing. If people say, “Can kids get I, II, and III? Yes. If a student is out of the class for Tier III they also have to come back into the class and apply that learning to core. If you keep that student out and don’t reintegrate the instruction you’ve just created another special education situation/gap. Students may read on a grade level lower, but they don’t necessarily think on that level. In special ed/AIG we pull out students and “do things to them” them expect them to go back into their classroom and acclimate themselves-but think about what they’ve missed. Part of this work is having Tier II and III support services collaborate with core instruction teachers. Pull in examples. Who has children? Are they identical? No…your children have different needs. Everybody’s different. If we’re all going to lose 5 pounds we’re going to do it 10 different ways. (Entrance and Exit criteria into the tiers are on Day 2). Discussion about pulling students out for special education during core? Is this a scheduling issue. Be mindful about the audience getting into the weeds regarding Tier II and III, and that Year 1 is Tier 1. Should we make the 80% more proportional for the viewer…should we do anything to change this slide. 4
Tiered Support: Structural Response Intensive Support Supplemental Support Resources Differentiated Core This is about aligning our resources based on the student needs and identifying what does a little support to a lot of support look like, and qualifying that amongst our teams. This is not about supplanting, but supplementing. Use example of elem, school psych, and high school Hispanic ex. The Intervention Team is responsible for the development and communication of the IM…… School wide issue? Using Tier 1 materials for Tier 2/3 Interventions: litmus test Would observe a student in Core to see if the “intervention is working”-ALC example Student Needs
SIP Intervention Matrix Intervention Team & SIP School Improvement Team PLC’s SIP The SIP is developed to meet the needs of the entire school, the IM is a subset so to speak of the SIP and clearly communicates what structures, systems and resources that the school uses to meet the needs of the students not yet proficient and or struggling with behavior. If a new teacher entered your building, they would be able to understand the systems and structures in place to support these students.
Intervention Matrix: Guiding Questions 9th/10th 11th 12th Guiding questions to capture the spirit of each component and facilitate your dialogue and discussion. Encourage you to have these conversations/dialogue before making decisions…… Use example of SM, what would we say in DDPEE? What would we say in APM?
Intervention Matrix Dialogue 5 components of the IM District sample broken up by component Small groups with one component Lenses: 9th grade, your school building, & experience Guiding Questions What are some of the things about which you and/or people are feeling very successful? What are the issues that you and/or people are paying close attention to? What skills are you and/or people in the team continuously trying to improve in themselves? Who are some of the resources/allies in the work being done? What are the criteria for entering AP courses? Average? Academic? Honors? The same guiding questions can be asked with core. In fact that problem solving is going on simultanously as intervention is being problem solved, we are not waiting for one team to “fix it” and pass it over to the next, gaps are not batons to be passed on.