Ending Unhealthy Relationships
Ending Unhealthy Relationships Target: I will be able to safely report dangerous situations, and explain strategies for ending an unhealthy relationship Remember that violence/abuse is always a choice and you deserve to be respected. There is no excuse for violence/abuse of any kind. Understand that a person can only change if they want to. Pg. 65
Safely Breaking Up: If you don’t feel safe, don’t break up in person. If you break up in person, do it in a public place. Have friends or your parents wait nearby. Try to take a cell phone with you.
Don’t try to explain your reasons for ending the relationship more than once. Let your friends and parents know you are ending your relationship, especially if you think you ex will come to your house or confront your when you’re alone.
If your ex does come to your house when you’re alone, don’t go to the door Trust yourself- if you feel afraid, your probably have a good reason How to End a Bad Relationship
Staying Safe After Breaking Up: Talk with your friends and family so they can support you. Talk to a school counselor or teacher you trust. Avoid isolated areas at school and local hangouts. Don’t walk alone or wear headphones. Keep friends or family close when attending parties or events you think your ex might attend.
Save any threatening or harassing messages your ex sends. Set your profile to private on social networking sites and ask friends to do the same. If you ever feel you’re in immediate danger, call 911. Memorize important numbers in case you don’t have access to your cell phone.
Summary: Getting Help- Reporting Dangerous Situations Tell a trusted adult (Friend, family, teachers, counselors, school nurse, coach, pastor) Go to a Teen Health Center and tell a professional Oregon Youth Line- Call 877-968-8491, Text “teen2teen” to 839863, or online: Oregonyouthline.org Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC)- SARCOregon.org, 503-626-9100 Teen Dating Violence Hotline- Call (1-866-331-9474), Text (LOVEIS to 22522), or Chat online at www.loveisrespect.org Call the Domestic Violence Help Hotline- 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), www.thehotline.org Summary:
Dear… I’m worried about you Write a letter to someone you know (could be yourself, a friend, or someone fictitious) that you are worried about in their unhealthy relationships. Explain your reasons why you are worried (hint: use yesterday’s notes!!) Then give them 5 tips of things that they should do/remember to safely end their relationship *1/2 page minimum… Use good grammar! Pg. 64