did do drive get send eat read see ride write come wear want play listen work talk borrow use watch wanted drove played got listened sent ate worked read talked saw borrowed rode wrote used came watched wore
Did you read it? Did you read them?
Module 4 Unit 1 Did you read them?
America grandma
What presents did Daming get? Listen and choose: What presents did Daming get? A. A Maths game B. A football C. A bike D. American chocolates E. English books F. CDs
I sent you a Maths game. Did you get it?
Yes, Grandma.I got it. Thank you.
I sent you American chocolates. Did you eat them?
Yes, Grandma.we ate them. Thank you.
I sent you English books. Did you read them?
Yes, Grandma.I read them. Thank you.
It them a Maths game-----------------it American chocolates them English books
活动用书P14: 读课文,圈出正确答案
read listen play wear read listened played wore
Role play between pairs 同桌角色扮演
dresses I sent you ______. wear them Did you_________? wore Yes.I _____them. Thank you. . Tips(提示词): dresses(裙子复数) wear(穿现在式) wore(穿过去式)
a doll I sent you______. Did you________? play it____ played it Yes.I________ . . Thank you. Tips(提示词): a doll(一个布娃娃) play played
I sent you a football. Did you________? play it played it Yes.I________ . . Thank you. Tips(提示词): a football play played
I sent you a bike. Did you________? ride it Yes.I_________. rode it Thank you. Tips(提示词): a bike ride(骑现在式) rode(骑过去式)
I sent you CDs. Did you ____________? listen to them listened to them Yes.I____________. Thank you. . Tips(提示词): CD listen to listened to
I sent you English books. Did you read them? Yes.I read them. Thank you. . Tips(提示词): books read read(过去式)