Joint Vision 2020.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Vision 2020

Why a New Document Sustain and build on momentum of Joint Vision process Continue evolution of the joint force Lessons learned from recent operations and experimentation Importance of information operations Multinational and interagency involvement Full range of operations

CJCS Guidance Refocus the time frame Extend the Vision to address: The full spectrum of military operations Alliance and coalition operations Interagency and international organization operations Emerging challenges and opportunities Incorporate lessons learned from recent operations and experimentation

CJCS Guidance Retain the four operational concepts and key enablers as described in JV 2010 Retain the fundamental definitions of concepts in JV 2010 Retain the basic structure of JV 2010

Content I. Introduction -- Interagency Ops II. Strategic Context III. Full Spectrum Dominance - Info Superiority - Innovation IV. Conduct of Jt Ops - People - Interoperability -- Multinational Ops -- Interagency Ops - Operational Concepts -- Dominant Maneuver -- Precision Engagement -- Focused Logistics -- Full Dimensional Protection - Information Ops - Joint C2 V. Implementation VI. Conclusion

Continuities JV 2010 is the foundation Operational Concepts Remain Key Dominant Maneuver, Precision Engagement, Focused Logistics, and Full Dimensional Protection Focused on Operational Forces “Decisive in War” Expands to address full range of operations -- but warfighting remains primary focus

What’s changed? Strategic Context Full Spectrum Dominance Narrowed to three critical aspects: global interests, diffused technology, adaptive enemies Full Spectrum Dominance Moved to front of document “Victory in war … succeed across the full range” Information Superiority Moves emphasis beyond technology Introduces idea of “decision superiority”

What’s changed? Innovation Operational Concepts Implementation Goes beyond “technological innovation” of JV 2010 Points toward innovation in all aspects of force Operational Concepts Expands discussion to address full range of operations Implementation Role of JFCOM, other CINCs, and services, key changes since 1996

What’s new? Joint Command and Control Impact of information superiority: Increased choices for commander Increased information at all levels Participation of multinational and interagency New tools and procedures for commanders

What’s new? Interoperability Information Operations Joint, Multinational, Interagency More than technology -- organizations, processes, and expertise Information Operations Highlights IO as key capability for force Identifies importance across full range of operations

Joint Vision 2020 Information Superiority Focused Logistics Precision Engagement Dominant Maneuver Full Dimensional Protection Innovation Full Spectrum Dominance Dedicated individuals and innovative organizations transforming the joint force for the 21st Century to achieve full spectrum dominance : - persuasive in peace - decisive in war - preeminent in any form of conflict