APTLD Outreach 2001 Shanghai APTLD Secretariat Vincent W.S. Chen Wschen@twnic.net.tw
What APTLD is doing? We discuss Domain Name related issues from AP region point of view, share and work together with ccTLD managers and Internet users.
Key Terms TLD: Top Level Domain gTLD: Generic Top Level Domain .com .net .org .mil .edu .gov . Int .info .biz .name .pro .Museum .coop .aero ……………… ccTLD: Country code Top Level Domain Name .cn .tw .jp .kr .us .tv .to .cc ……………….. APTLD: ccTLDs in the AP region
Asia MAP APNIC’s Definition: AP Region Comprising 62 economies In Asia and Oceania (ISO-3166) Source: http://www.apnic.net/map
Oceania MAP Source: http://www.apnic.net/map
Asia-Pacific Region 243 ccTLDs around the world. About one third of them are in AP region. A Region with variety: Asia, Middle East, South Asia, Pacific Islands…etc.
History 1997.6 Ad hoc Meetings on DNS in Kuala Lumpur during INET’97 1998.2 BoF on TLD in Manila during APRICOT’98 1998.7 Inaugural AP(cc)TLD Meetings in Geneva during INET’98 1998.8 Second APTLD Meeting in Singapore during AP-IFWP. 1999.3 Third APTLD Meeting in Singapore 1999.6 Fourth APTLD Meeting in San Jose 1999.11 Ad hoc APTLD Meeting in the Los Angeles 2000.2 Fifth APTLD Meeting in Seoul during APRICOT’2000 2000.7 Sixth APTLD Meeting in Yokohama during ICANN 2000.10 APTLD Board Meeting in Bangkok 2000.11 Seventh APTLD Meeting in Los Angeles during ICANN 2001.2 Eighth APTLD Meeting in Kuala Lumpur during APRICOT’2001 2001.3 APTLD ICANN-ccTLD Contract WS in Melbourne during ICANN
Structure Board Committees Working Groups Board Meeting Member Meeting Secretariat
Board Members Hualin Qian/CN Chair Peter Dengate-Thrush/NZ Senior VC Bill Semich/NU VC (Treasurer) Shuichi Tashiro/JP VC (Membership) Kwan Ho Song/KR Vincent W.S. Chen/TW Kanchana Kanchanasut/TH Ramesh Kumar Nadarajah/MY
Committees Three Committees: Finance Committee : Peter Dengate Thrush Legal & Regulatory Committee: Bill Semich Membership: Shuich Tasiro
Working Groups 1. ccDRP: Hong Xue 2. Outreach and Awareness: B.K Kim 3. Translation: Albert Wang 4. Multilingual DNS & Liaison: Y.J Park 5. ICANN Relation: Peter Dengate Thrush
WGs Mailing List Mdn@aptld.org Icann@aptld.org Trans@aptld.org Outreach@aptld.org Drp@aptld.org
Secretariat TWNIC is selected as secretariat for 2000.10-2002.10 Administrative Support and Service: Fast and Best
Type of membership applied for:(US$) □ Ordinary Membership ( CCTLD and Voting Member ) Self-Selected Fee band: □ Vary Large ($20,000) □ Large ($10,000) □ Medium Large ($5,000) □ Medium ($2,000) □ Medium Small($1,000) □ Small ($500) □ Vary Small ($100) □ Associate Corporate Membership ( non-voting member ) □ Associate Individual Member ( non-voting member ) □ $100 □ $xxxx
Membership Current Ordinary/ Voting Members: Associate Members: Others 13: .CN, .HK, .JP, .KR, .MY, .NU, .NZ, .SG, .TH, .TJ, .TP, .TW, .VN Associate Members: 1: Internet Governance Consultants Limited Others TJ: Tajikistan is a small country in the Former Soviet Union. Nestled in-between Afghanistan and China. TP: East Timor
In Year 2000 Select new permanent secretariat Transfer website and bank account to new secretariat Board/ Member Meetings in Japan, Bangkok, L.A. A letter to ICANN CEO Forge 5 WGs
In Year 2001 Incorporated APTLD Outreach and Awareness Work with other Regional NICs Direct dialogue with ICANN--- APTLD-ICANN meeting in Hawaii 5. ICANN Contract WS in Melbourne
Issue: ICANN Relation Who should we talk to from ICANN? Direct dialogue to ICANN Quick response from ICANN Regular and continue meetings with ICANN ICANN funding
Issue: ICANN & ccTLD Contract Three-party and Bilateral agreements GAC point of view .CA case .JP case Who is the next?
Trilateral/Bilateral Relationship Government Local Internet Communities Interest ICANN ccTLD Manager Formal Agreement DNS root server services Internet stability Internet technical/management Policy Coordination Best Practices Contribution to ICANN
Issue: ccSO Sponsor to ICANN DNSO & ccTLD managers A new supporting organization? Work with ccTLD, CENTR/APTLD?
Issue: IDN Most of Internet users in AP region are not native English speakers IDN: Pressure or needs? I-DNS testbed: testing or business? IETF Standard (IETF IDN WG) CDNC and other IDN study organiztions GAC IDN WG ICANN Survey
We want you! Join APTLD Now! http://www.aptld.org/ Email: sec@aptld.org