Computer Programming Thinking in Code
Intro Computational Thinking Decompose Patterns General and Abstract Algorithms
Intro Lite Programming Python Scratch SNAP
Intro Higher Language FORTRAN PASCAL COBOL C+ Ruby
Intro Purpose Languages HTML JAVA Basic
Intro The numbers used Binary Hexadecimal
Computational Thinking Decompose Small bites Simple tasks Try it
Computational Thinking Patterns Repeating Looking deep Try it
Computational Thinking General and Abstract Represent the familiar with formula How Try it
Computational Thinking Algorithms Writing for replication How it works Try it
Lite Programming Python Simple programming language
Lite Programming Scratch Develop a game Search web for “Scratch” Fit the pieces together
Lite Programming SNAP Related to Scratch
Higher Programming FORTRAN
Higher Programming PASCAL
Higher Programming COBOL
Higher Programming C+
Purpose Languages HTML
Purpose Languages JAVA
Number Sets Binary Practice 10010111.01100101.10000000.01010001
Number Sets Hexadecimal Practice 11001011:00111111:00000110:11010011
Convert IP to HEX Convert MAC to Decimal 4A:AA:F3:36:9D:09
MADE IT!!! You will see these again