This week’s word of the week is… menace *What do you think the word menace means? *Turn and talk to your neighbor. 1
pronunciation: men-is menace: pronunciation: men-is 2
menace: definitions: noun *a person or thing that is likely to cause harm, a threat, or danger definitions: verb *to serve as a threat 3
menace: Synonyms (noun): (verb): *annoyance *to bother *threat *to torment *troublemaker *to scare 4
menace: Antonyms (noun): (verb): *comfort *to calm *safety *to help *helper *to assist 5
Dennis the Menace was known for terrorizing Mr. Wilson, his neighbor. 6
menace: Hans shows himself to be a menace when he admits his plan to let Anna’s frozen heart overcome her. 7
Captain Hook menaced Peter Pan and the lost boys. 8
What is menacing about this background? menace: What is menacing about this background? 9
What did he mean by this statement? menace: Theodore Roosevelt once said, “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” What did he mean by this statement? 10