Placement of the LHC BLMIs around TI8 TED (Q9)
Placement of the LHC BLMIs downstream the TI8 TED (Q8)
Losses on Q9B2 R8 facing the injection line, Closest to the TED Q9 beside TI8 dump ? At ~17:00 1st pulse 14:05 last pulse 22:19 TT40 BCT Intensity [10E10]
Losses on Q9B2 R8 facing the injection line, Closest to the TED – ZOOM at the first injections Q9 beside TI8 dump TT40 BCT Intensity [10E10]
First Beam Induced radiation seen by the INSTALLED LHC BLM system Q9 #3 beside TI8 dump Q8 #3 downstream TI8 dump
Q9B2 compared to the Q8B2 (more noise) Q9 beside TI8 dump 2.4 uGy/shot Q8 downstream TI8 dump 0.4 uGy/shot
Losses on Q9B2 R8 facing the injection line, Closest to the TED – ZOOM at 17:00 signal drop Q9 beside TI8 dump TI8 BCT Drop only in TI8 BCT not in TT40 BCT Intensity [10E10]
Losses on Q9B2 R8 facing the injection line closest to the TED and Q7B2– ZOOM at 17:00 signal drop Q9 beside TI8 dump 1.3s integration Q7 downstream TI8 dump
Total dose on Q9 from 1063 shots D = 51.23Gy/s*40e-6s D = 2.050 +- 0.009 mGy Mean dose on Q9 Dm = 1.9 uGy/bunch
Q8 B2 (all 3ICs) give 6 times less signal than Q9 3B2 Conclusions Recorded dose for Q9 B2 (IC#3) up to 2.4uGy/pilot close to the TED (behind wall) 0.06 Gy/s for 40us integration period Q9 beam1 (IC#1) opposite to IC#3 gives very little signal close to noise level Q8 B2 (all 3ICs) give 6 times less signal than Q9 3B2 Q7 B2 signal only if partially missed TED? When TI8 BCT has no signal but TT40 does No BLMIs on BEAM1 (Except Q9 1B1) give any measurable signal -> everything absorbed in the cryostat