Fatty chyme →→ duodenal bulb →→ secretin →→ blood →→ pancreas →→ bicarbonate →→ pancreatic ducts →→ duodenum →→ offsets pH balance
Proteinaceous chyme Fatty chyme →→ duodenal bulb →→ cholecystikinin-pancreozymin (CCK) →→ bloodstream →→ pancreas →→ trypsinogen →→ pancreatic ducts→→ duodenum + enterokinase →→ trypsin Proteinaceous chyme Fatty chyme →→ duodenal bulb →→ cholecystikinin-pancreozymin (CCK) →→ bloodstream →→ pancreas →→ chymotrypsinogen →→ pancreatic ducts→→ duodenum + trypsin →→ chymotrypsin Trypsin + chymotrypsin →→ reduction of peptones and proteoses →→ di- and tripeptides
Proteinaceous chyme Fatty chyme →→ duodenal bulb →→ cholecystikinin-pancreozymin(CCK) →→ bloodstream →→ pancreas →→ pancreatic lipase →→ pancreatic ducts→→ duodenum →→ reduction of lipids to fatty acids + glycerol cholecystikinin-pancreozymin (CCK) →→ bloodstream →→ liver + gall bladder→→ release of bile →→ cystic duct + Common hepatic duct →→ common bile duct →→ duoodenum →→ emulsification of fats
Gastric chyme ejection ↓ stimulates duodenal bulb→→Enterocrinin →→ stimulates intestinal submucosa villikinin →→ activates intestinal villi
fatty chyme ejection gastric inhibitory peptide→→ inhibits gastric secretion ↓ stimulates duodenal bulb→→enterorgastrone →→ reduces gastric motion secretin →→ reduces gastric secretion