MLA Research Paper The Breakdown.


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Presentation transcript:

MLA Research Paper The Breakdown

The Requirements 6 Pages MLA Style Thesis statement Outline Work Cited page 5 sources At least 5 quotes

6 Pages 6 full pages Font:Times New Roman Size: 12 Margins:

MLA Style Title Citations Use the formal way of starting a paper. You must give credit to ALL your sources. Follow rules of documentation. Have a complete Work Cited Page.

Thesis Statement A thesis statement identifies the focus for your writing. It is the “topic sentence” for your whole paper. It needs to be well defined and to the point. Pay close attention to this sentence. It is usually found in the first paragraph but is not necessarily the first sentence of your paper.

Outline Before your 6 pages of writing attach an outline of the structure of your paper. The following is an example of an outline. Author Early years Born Education 20’s War experience Injuries. Writings Later years Death

Work Cited Page The work cited page is a listing of all the sources (books, newspapers, media) that you used in order to obtain your information. There are rules on writing this page. Make sure to follow the format provided to you. The purpose of this page is to give proper credit to those authors that you utilize to get your information.

5 Sources You will need a minimum of 5 sources for your research paper. Acceptable sources. Books Newspapers and magazines Biographies and autobiographies Reputable sources on the internet. (if you have doubts on a source, please ask me.) You may only use one: Encyclopedia (This includes PC based encyclopedias)

5 Quotes There should be a minimum of five quotes in your paper. You will be required to submit those 5 quotes on note cards with their sources on the other side. You may use more than 5 quotes on your paper as long as they are properly cited.


Due dates This project will be due 4 weeks from next Monday. October the 27th – Thesis Statement Due. October the 31st - 5 note cards with quotes and documentation due. November the 12th – Rough Draft Due November the 18th – Final Paper Due

Where Do I Look For My Research? For ART, ARCHITECTURE, AND MUSIC: -Contemporary Artists, Dictionary of Arts, Encyclopedia of Popular Culture, Encyclopedia of World Art, Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects, New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, New Oxford History of Music, Oxford Companion to Art.

History of the Topic -- Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge History of Africa, Dictionary of Middle Ages, Encyclopedia of African-American Culture, Culture and History, Encyclopedia of American Social History, Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, Encyclopedia of the United States in the 20th Century, Harvard Guide to American History, New Cambridge Modern History, Timetables of History.

Literature and Literary Works --- American Writers, Contemporary Literary Criticism, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th century, International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, MLA International Biography, Oxford Companion to Classical Literature, Oxford Companion to English Literature, Oxford English Dictionary.

Discussion on Philosophy and Religion Anchor Bible Dictionary Dictionary of the History of the Ideas Encyclopedia of Philosophy Encyclopedia of Religion

Women’s Studies Notable American Women Women’s Studies Encyclopedia

Paper MUST Focus On--- LIFE of the author Focus in on the author’s Education Family Life What Influenced the author to write this piece of literature. What assumptions can be made about the author’s message based on his/her beliefs? Relation to work and to his/her life and how it effects them?

Works Other related works Works that contradict this piece of literature Works that support the message in this piece of literature

TIME PERIOD Society Culture Morals Beliefs Influences Renaissance, Enlightenment, Romantic Age, etc.. What does this all mean to these writers and what does it represent? Morals Beliefs Influences What was going on during the time period that this writer wrought this specific work? What effects did the time period have on their writing? How is the author’s experiences as well as his/her time period affect their beliefs, and morals of the time?