Hadron Multiplicity from Color Glass Condensate at LHC


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Presentation transcript:

Hadron Multiplicity from Color Glass Condensate at LHC Wenchang Xiang Guizhou Normal University 4/20/2014

Outlines: Gluon Saturation Parton evolution equation Gluon fluctuation effect Hadron Multiplicity in Proton-Proton collisions at LHC Hadron Multiplicity in Nucleus-Nucleus collisions at LHC Summary

Phase diagram of Gluon Saturation Qs-1 is typical transverse size. QS2(x) ~ 1/xl increases (x  0) as(QS2) << 1 weak coupling energies  Higher Color glass condensate Saturation scale Qs(x) high BK Recombination of gluons unitarity Nonperturbative region Gluon density 1/x in log scale BFKL low Parton gas Multiple gluon emissions DGLAP LQCD2 Parton number increases, but density decreases Transverse resolution Q2 in log scale

Gluon Production in pp/AA factorization for gluon production: Unintegrated gluon density:

Dipole Cross-section Dipole-proton/nucleus scattering amplitude: Saturation scale:

Fix model parameter Fit 213 new combined data from H1-ZEUS Model Parameters 166.16 0.835 0.038 0.219 0.683 0.325

Charged Hadron Multiplicity in pp collisions

Charged Hadron Multiplicity in pp collisions

Charged Hadron Multiplicity in AA collisions

Summary Gluon Saturation Pomeron loop effect Fit new combined data Compute charged hadron multiplicity in pp/AA collision at LHC, the results are consistent with data