Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Presentation On Overseas Pakistanis Foundation
COMPANY PROFILE OPF was established under the Emigration Ordinance, 1979. It was registered on 8th July, 1979 as Not for Profit Company under the Companies Act, 1913 (now Companies Ordinance, 1984, Section-42). It is a public sector company to be governed under Public Sector Companies (Corporate Governance Rules 2013) of Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). The Board of Governors is supreme body and all operations of OPF are managed under overall control of the Board.
VISION MISSION To develop OPF as a progressive, effective, dedicated, credible and professionally self-sustained organization striving for the economic and social welfare of overseas Pakistanis working or settled abroad and their families/dependents living in Pakistan and ultimately act as a one-window solution provider to all problems faced by overseas Pakistanis. The issues faced by the Overseas Pakistanis and their families are resolved in an efficient manner. OPF will make efforts to enhance the contributions of overseas Pakistanis towards the development and progress of Pakistan through their remittances, investments and technological expertise.
CORE OBJECTIVES OF OPF AS PER MOA Social welfare of the emigrants and their families in Pakistan and abroad. Set up vocational training institutes. Establishing housing societies for the emigrants. Scholarships to the children of OPs for studies in science, technology, art and management in Pakistan and abroad. Establishing educational or religious institutions where emigrants’ children study. Grants to emigrant’s societies / association for establishing community centers, libraries and mosques. Contd…
CORE OBJECTIVES OF OPF AS PER MOA Organizing seminars and conferences in connection with events of national importance; Opening offices of OPF in Pakistan and abroad. Investment in commercial, industrial or service enterprises; Purchasing / hiring land, building or other property as may be necessary. Printing and publishing of pamphlets, reports, journals, periodicals, dailies in the interest of emigrants. Any other investments as required by OPF.
Regional Office LAHORE OFFICES Regional Office LAHORE Regional Office KARACHI Head Office Islamabad Regional Office PESHAWAR Regional Office QUETTA Regional Office MULTAN Regional Office, MIRPUR – (AJ&K)
Facilitation Counters for OPs WELFARE PROGRAMS OPF Membership Compulsory members 1971 – Nov 2016 : 9.46 m (Overseas Pakistanis registered with BE&OE). Financial Aid Scheme 2015-16 2016-17 Beneficiaries 1,110 660 Amount (Million Rs.) 324 262. Complaint Cell Complaints received since 2001 : 19,913 Complaints settled : 18,401. FERC Scheme Cards issued since 2001 : 1,11,847 Amount remitted : US$ 1.74 billion. Facilitation Counters for OPs One Window Facilitation Desks at Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Multan, Sialkot, Quetta & Faisalabad Airports. OPF Presentation
Free Transportation of WELFARE PROGRAMS Relief Activities Emergency Relief during crisis situations such as, earthquakes in Pakistan or deportation of Pakistanis from host countries. Cases received since 1982 : 15,112 Cases settled : 9,160 Amount paid/disbursed : Rs. 3.39 billion. Settlement of Dues Eye Hospitals Mirpur (AJ&K) Yaro Khoso (D.G. Khan) 2015-16 2016-17 Patients Treated 5,804 2,426 Patients Operated 127 50 Free Eye Camps 2015-16 2016-17 Camps Established 5 - Patients Treated 7946 Patients Operated 887 Free Transportation of Dead bodies 2015-16 2016-17 Dead bodies transported 125 81 133rd Meeting of BOG
Repatriation of OPs from Libya WELFARE PROGRAMS UNCC Claims Claimants entitled : 45,120. Amount paid : Rs. 19 billion (Approx.) Establishment of NADRA Swift Centre in OPF Head office building. Same facilities in all provinces and AJ&K at OPF Regional Offices. NADRA Swift Centre Repatriation of OPs from Libya No. of OPs Repatriated : 8,758 Assistance Provided : 2,454 Repatriation of OPs from Yemen No of OPs Repatriated : 1,037 Assistance Provided : 605 Repatriation of workers from KSA No of OPs Repatriated : 3,800 Assistance Provided : 3,400 Rs. 9.6 million has been paid 133rd Meeting of BOG
EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES Overall % of OPs children 14.7% 24 Institutes Islamabad OPF Girls College, F-8/2 OPF Boys College, H-8/4 Rawalpindi OPF Higher Secondary School KPK Mansehra Hangu K.Syeddan Gujrat D.I.Khan Sialkot AJK 3 Kotli Mirpur Muzaffarabad Bhalwal Sheikhupura Pakpattan Depalpur Multan Quetta PUNJAB BALOCHISTAN Larkana Dadu Sanghar SINDH Turbat Karachi Badin Statistics Strength of colleges 6,137 OPs children 958 Strength of public school 10,909 1,550 Overall strength 17,046 2,508 Overall % of OPs children 14.7%
RESERVATION OF SEATS FOR THE CHILDREN OF OVERSEAS PAKISTANIS INSTITUTIONS RESERVED SEATS 1. Khyber Medical College, Peshawar 1 seat 2. Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad 2 seats 3. KPK Agriculture University, Peshawar 4 19 P.A.F Colleges / Schools 128 seats 5. Fatima Jinnah Dental College, Karachi 25 seats along with 15% discount in tuition fee 6. Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan (Under Graduate & Post Graduate programs). 127 seats 7. University Of Agriculture, Faisalabad (under degree program) 22 seats 8. Warsak Cadet College (Peshawar) reserved at their own 15 seats 9 Medical & Dental Institutions of the Punjab (Reserved by Govt. of Punjab) 76(72 MBBS & 04 BDS) TOTAL 398 seats OPF Presentation
CRITERIA FOR NEEDY SCHOLARSHIPS Two Children of deceased/disabled and low paid overseas Pakistanis (monthly Income less than Rs.50, 000) having valid OPF Membership are eligible . Children of those overseas Pakistanis who return to Pakistan permanently are also eligible up to 03 years. Scholarships are granted from Primary to Post Graduate level. SCHOLARSHIPS AMOUNT PER ANNUM Level of Education - Day Scholar - Boarder Primary Rs.3,000/- Rs.6,000/- Middle Rs.4,000/- Rs.8,000/- Secondary Rs.5,000/- Rs.10,000/- Intermediate Rs.6,000/- Rs.12,000/- Graduation Rs.10, 000/- Rs.15, 000/- Post Graduate Rs.12, 000/- Rs.20, 000/-
CRITERIA FOR MERIT AWARD Talented Children of overseas Pakistanis having valid OPF Membership are awarded cash award from Middle level to Post Graduation . Talented Children securing at least 80% marks in their Board/University Exams are eligible for award. AMOUNT OF MERIT AWARDS Level of Education - Amount Middle - Rs.5,000/- Matric - Rs.6,000/- Intermediate - Rs.10,000/- Graduation - Rs.15,000/- Post Graduation - Rs. 20,000/- Professional Colleges - Rs.20,000/-
HOUSING FACILITIES TOTAL OPF HOUSING SCHEMES 11 COMPLETED HOUSING SCHEMES Seven Housing schemes are complete Raiwind Road Phase-I, Lahore. Bhimber Road, Gujrat Naudero Road, Larkana Moro Road, Dadu Budhni Road, Peshawar Chittarpari Mirpur, AJK Turbat Airport Road, (handed over to Baluchistan Govt. in 1993.) Total No. of Residential plots : 9,603 Total No. of Commercial plots : 503 SCHEMES SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED OPF Housing Scheme, Zone-V, Islamabad. OPF Housing Scheme Raiwind Road, Phase-I (Extension), Lahore. SCHEME IN TENDERING PHASE OPF Housing Scheme Raiwind Road, Phase-II, (Farm housing scheme) Lahore. Contd…
HOUSING FACILITIES SCHEME (LAND) IN PROCESS OF AUCTION OPF Housing Scheme, Kalar Syedan Road, Rewat. PROPOSED JOINT VENTURE WITH CDA KBWL, Park Road Chak Shahzad, Islamabad. NEW INITIATIVE As approved by OPF Board of Governors consultancy firm is being hired for feasibility study & selection of site to launch a new housing scheme at overseas Pakistanis concentrated area.
OPF VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAM One of the mandates of OPF is to establish vocational training institutions for providing training in such trades as are in demand overseas. OPF established Training Division in 1980. Since its inception, OPF has trained about 60,000 persons in various institutions of OPF as well as through public / private partnership. Main trades: Repair of Home Appliances, Earth Moving / Construction Machinery, Electrician, Tracer, Civil Draftsman, Quantity Surveyor, Electronics /TV Mechanic, Carpenter, Masson, Plumber, Welder / Steel fixer trades and IT skills.
NEW INITIATIVES Re-activation of Overseas Pakistani Advisory Council (OPAC). Rehabilitation of returning OPs. Facilitation centre. Advisory services for investment/ real estate/ legal issues. Visit Program Visit of new generation of OPs to their home land. Implementation of E-Governance. E-Learning initiative. Deployment of OPF Portal. Implementation of Video Conferencing. OPF Presentation
OPF Presentation
OPF MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA As per Emigration Ordinance 1979 any Pakistani proceeding abroad on employment visa duly protected by the Protector of Emigrants automatically become eligible for OPF membership after depositing an amount of Rs.2,000/- Overseas Pakistanis who have proceeded abroad after 23rd March, 1979 on valid protected work visa by the Protectorate of Emigrants, Bureau of Emigrations & Overseas Employment/ OEC are automatically registered with OPF and can avail the services of OPF. Overseas Pakistanis remain OPF members as long as they stay abroad. After their permanent return to Pakistan they are entitled to OPF benefit/services rendered by OPF for a period of three years. Those Overseas Pakistanis, who are not registered with OPF can do so by getting themselves registered voluntarily with OPF after paying Rs. 2,000/- each once for all on standard terms and conditions.
FINANCIAL AID SCHEME Financial Aid Scheme introduced in 1980-81 to provide help to the bereaved family to overcome their initial financial problems soon after the demise or disability of their earning members. Present limit of Financial Aid is Rs. 250,000/- per case. So far, 8,476 families have been granted financial assistance amounting to approx., Rs. 1.053 billion. As per recommendation of the Finance Committee of Board of Governors (BOG) held on 10-05-2016, the amount is proposed to be enhanced @ Rs. 400,000/- and Rs. 300,000/- in death and disability cases respectively subject to the approval of BOG.
LIMIT OF FINANCIAL AID OVER THE YEARS Prescribed Limit 1980-1984 Sewing/Knitting Photo State Machine 1984-1990 Rs. 10,000 1991-1992 Rs. 15,000 1993-1998 Rs. 20,000 1999-2003 Rs. 25,000 2004-2005 Rs. 30,000 2006-2007 Rs. 50,000 (102nd meeting of BOG 16-07-2006) 2008-2011 Rs. 100,000 (104th meeting of BOG 16-07-2016) 2012-13 Rs. 1,50,000 (120th meeting of BOG 30-08-2012) 2015-16 (Present Limit) Rs. 250,000 (127th meeting of BOG 28-05-2015) Rs. 300,000 Rs. 400,000 (132nd meeting of BOG 07-06-2016)
DETAIL OF FINANCIAL AID SECTION-LAST FIVE YEARS Cases Prescribed Limit for each case Total amount (Rs) 2011-2012 401 100,000 40.10 million 2012-2013 404 150,000 59.55 million 2013-2014 673 101.85 million 2014-2015 799 119.85 million 2015-2016 1110 250,000 300,000 400,000 324.05 million 2016-Till date 535 212.90 million TOTAL 3922 858.3 million
PROVINCE WISE DETAIL OF FINANCIAL AID No. of cases Total Amount (Rs.) Azad Jammu & Kashmir 852 82912,000 Baluchistan 29 2,505,000 Islamabad 126 11,400,000 FATA / FANA 262 37,700,000 Gilgit Baltistan 8 1,775,000 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2753 311,848,500 Punjab 3693 373,119,000 Sindh 220 21,806,000 Total 8476 1053.38 Million (approx.)
DETAIL OF FINANCIAL AID SECTION-LAST FIVE YEARS Cases Prescribed Limit for each case Total amount (Rs) 2011-2012 400 100,000 40 million 2012-2013 150,000 60 million 2013-2014 680 102 million 2014-2015 800 120 million 2015-2016 250,000 200 million TOTAL 3080 522 million
PROVINCE WISE DETAIL OF FINANCIAL AID No. of cases Total Amount (Rs.) Azad Jammu & Kashmir 852 82912,000 Baluchistan 29 2,505,000 Islamabad 126 11,400,000 FATA / FANA 262 37,700,000 Gilgit Baltistan 8 1,775,000 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2753 311,848,500 Punjab 3693 373,119,000 Sindh 220 21,806,000 Total 8476 1053.38 Million (approx.)
OVERSEAS PAKISTANIS COMPLAINT CELL NATURE OF COMPLAINTS OF OVERSEAS PAKISTANIS: 1. Illegal occupation of properties 2. Harassment by mischievous elements 3. Family disputes 4. Monetary frauds Criminal cases Others (Gas, Electricity connections)
OVERSEAS PAKISTANIS COMPLAINT CELL REDRESSAL MECHANISM BY COMPLAINT CELL OF OPF: Focal persons at district level in Provinces Members Inspection Team in High Courts Personal intervention by OPF officials Panels of Lawyers at Head office and Regional offices Grievance Commissioner cell, Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat Islamabad. Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission, Lahore. Ex-Patriate Pakistanis Compliant Wing, Supreme Court of Pakistan.
OVERSEAS PAKISTANIS COMPLAINT CELL NEW MEASURES: In order to facilitate the overseas Pakistanis, Police Officers in 5 Divisions & Additional Commissioners in 9 Divisions have been nominated as focal persons in Punjab Province. Facilitation Centre for Overseas Pakistanis (FCOP) established at DCO Office Jhelum w.e.f. May 2014. For AJ&K, The office of the Chief Secretary (AJK) at Islamabad has been declared as focal point which issues directives to Officers in 10 Districts being the focal persons. For Sindh Province AIGP (Operation) Karachi is the focal person. All Addl. Deputy Commissioners in KPK are the focal persons. Contd…
OVERSEAS PAKISTANIS COMPLAINT CELL NEW MEASURES: For FATA 7 Political Agents are the focal persons. All Deputy Commissioners are the focal persons in Baluchistan. In Gilgit-Baltistan 7 SPs are the focal persons. Grievance Commissioner Cell for overseas Pakistanis at Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) Secretariat, Islamabad. Ex-Patriate Pakistanis Complaint Wing at Supreme Court of Pakistan. Resolution of complaints through the office of Community Welfare Attaches (CWAs) in Pakistani Missions abroad. Establishment of Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission. In addition, Member Inspection Team (MIT) in various provincial High Courts have also been designated to deal with OPs Complaints.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE REMITTANCE CARD (FERC) A special package of Foreign Exchange Remittance Card (FERC) has been introduced by the Ministry of Finance in September 2001 to facilitate the overseas Pakistanis community. OPF has been nominated as the implementation authority. Overseas Pakistanis remitting foreign currency equivalent to US$2500 to US$ 50,000 per annum are entitled to the following incentives; Five categories of remittance cards as per amount remitted. Separate counters for special handling at international arrival/departure lounges at all International Airports in Pakistan. Free Issuance and Renewal of passport on urgent basis. Duty Credit as per category of remittance card. FERC holders are able to utilize the duty credit available for the unaccompanied baggage including those seven items with fixed duty i.e., television, deep freezer, refrigerator, microwave oven, cooking range, washing machine and air conditioner. Note: The duty credit under this scheme is not utilizable on import of vehicles. Utilization of duty credit is endorsed by the Customs on the passport of an FERC holder. As on 27th December,2016 Type of FERC Amount Remitted Through Normal Banking Channel (in US $ or equivalent foreign currency) Duty Credit In Rs. No. of Cards Issued Amount Remitted (in US $) Silver 2500 or more 10,000 39,830 190,110,013 Silver Plus 5000 or more 20,000 16,533 116,584,568 Gold 10,000 or more 30,000 43,335 712,260,181 Gold Plus 25,000 or more 50,000 7,467 242,468,103 Platinum 100,000 4,682 482,216,301 Total 111,847 1,743,639,166
FACILITATION COUNTERS FOR OVERSEAS PAKISTANIS On the direction of the Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman)’s Secretariat `One Window Facilitation Desks (OWFD)’ have been established at all major international airports in Pakistan in order to facilitate overseas Pakistanis to address the individual and systemic issues of the overseas Pakistanis related to the Government Ministries, Departments, Organization and Agencies. S. # Airport Establishment 1. Benazir Bhutto International Airport, Islamabad 19-05-2015 2. Allama Iqbal International Airport Lahore 09-07-2015 3. Jinnah International Airport, Karachi 06-08-2015 4. Bacha Khan International Airport, Peshawar 31-08-2015 5. Quetta International Airport, Quetta 15-10-2015 6. Multan International Airport, Multan 23-12-2015 7. Sialkot International Airport, Sialkot 09-02-2016 8. Faisalabad International Airport, Faisalabad 15-07-2016
SETTLEMENT OF DUES OPF takes up the cases with the Employers in the host country of those OPs who expire while working abroad for recovery of their dues/ legitimate claims to facilitate the families of deceased. Such cases are taken up with the concerned Pakistan Missions abroad on behalf of legal heirs. OPF provides assistance to the families/legal heirs in preparation of required documents. OPF Officials visit to such families & provide them necessary help and advice. OPF has settled 9160 cases of such nature and an amount of Rs. 3.39 Billion has been disbursed amongst legal heirs of the deceased overseas Pakistanis, while 5,952 cases are under process.
FREE EYE CAMPS In order to facilitate the people of overseas Pakistanis concentration areas, OPF has established eye camps in four provinces and AJ&K in those areas where eye treatment facilities are non-existent. Till date, 103 eye camps established, patients treated 2,38,217 and 20,526 operations performed. Establishment of eye camps in FATA have also been made a regular feature. PROVINCE NUMBER OF EYE CAMPS PATIENTS TREATED PATIENTS OPERATED PUNJAB 18 45548 4002 SINDH 23 51624 4844 KPK 16 43851 2903 BALOCHISTAN 55927 4591 AZAD JAMMU & KASHMIR 19 33130 3288 FATA 4 8237 898 TOTAL 103 238,217 20,526
EMERGENCY RELIEF CELL According to estimated figures about 90,000 Pakistanis including their family members were living in Kuwait at the time of invasion on Kuwait by Iraq in 1990. As a result of Gulf war, more than 60,000 Pakistani expatriates returned to Pakistan from Kuwait/Iraq. At the time of their arrival in Pakistan, camps were established by the OPF at Karachi, Lahore, Quetta and Taftan border to facilitate such war affectees. These affectees were paid cash, amounting to Rs.6,000/- each at the time of their arrival to meet in land travel expenses. For this purpose, OPF contributed Rs.50 million.
Categories of Claims established by UNCC Six different categories of claims had been established by the UNCC, which include the following: 1. Category “A” - Individual US $ 2500 (minimum) and (Departure Claim) US $ 4000 (maximum) - Family US $ 5000 (minimum) US $ 8000 (maximum) 2. Category “B” - Maximum of US $ 10,000 (per family) (Death & Injury Claim) 3. Category “C” - Damages upto US $ 100,000/- 4. Category “D” - Damages exceeding US $ 100,000/- 5. Category “E” - Damages/losses of private legal entities and Public Sector Enterprises. 6. Category “F” - Damages sustained by Governments and International Organizations.
Claim details Total number of UNCC Claimants 1st January, 1992 to 31st December,1995 44,290 Total amount approved by the UNCC and disbursed to the claimants Rs. 17,218,286,361 Amount of Interest paid to the UNCC claimants as per order of Supreme Court of Pakistan. Approximately Rs. 1 billion Late / Time barred claims filed during the year 2003. 28,650 Late / Time barred partially meeting UNCC criteria and approved by the UNCC. 830 Amount approved by the UNCC and paid to the late claimants. Rs. 718,312,081
NEEDY SCHOLARSHIPS Two Children of deceased/disabled and low paid overseas Pakistanis (monthly Income less than Rs. 50,000) having valid OPF Membership are eligible . Children of those overseas Pakistanis who return to Pakistan permanently are also eligible up to 3 years. Scholarships are granted from Primary to Post Graduate level. SCHOLARSHIPS AMOUNT PER ANNUM Level of Education - Day Scholar - Boarder Primary Rs.4,500/- Rs.9,000/- Middle Rs.6,000/- Rs.12,000/- Secondary Rs.7,500/- Rs.15,000/- Intermediate Rs.9,000/- Rs.16,000/- Graduation Rs.15, 000/- Rs.22,500/- Post Graduate Rs.18, 000/- Rs.30,000/-
MERIT AWARD Talented Children of Overseas Pakistanis securing at least 80% marks in their Board/University Exams having valid OPF Membership are awarded cash award. AMOUNT OF MERIT AWARDS Level of Education - Amount Middle - Rs.7,500/- Matric - Rs.9,000/- Intermediate - Rs.15,000/- Graduation - Rs.22,000/- Post Graduation - Rs. 23,000/- Professional Colleges - Rs.30,000/-
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The deceased and disabled Overseas Pakistani should be a registered member of Overseas Pakistanis Foundation. Cases of those registered overseas Pakistanis will be considered for grant of financial aid who died or become disabled while working abroad or within three years from the date of their return to Pakistan. In case of death of an overseas Pakistani his family or dependents are also entitled to avail the facility of financial aid. (Widow(s), parents and minor children through guardian). Cases with permanent disability such as amputation, paralysis, full loss of vision (blind) will be considered for grant of financial aid. This is onetime non-refundable grant. The monthly income of the destitute family and disabled applicants should not be more than the amount notified by the Government of Pakistan for Tax Exemption for a year. (Present family income limit is Rs. 33,300/- per month). Applicants are entertained on the principle of “First Come First Serve Basis”. The applicants will be entertained once only.