Workshop on metals bioavailability under the Water Framework Directive 21 June 2011 Jorge Rodriguez Romero WFD Team, Unit D1 DG Environment
Policy background I Bioavailability is relevant to determining the possible effects of concentrations of pollutants in water Particularly relevant to metals (but also to some other substances) Therefore relevant to determining chemical status under the WFD, including Ni, Cd and Pb (existing Priority Substances - in Annex X - whose EQS are under review); and to better assessing the risk posed by other metals such as Zn (considered during the current review) Also relevant to Annex VIII of WFD.
Policy background II EQS Directive Part B (3): With the exception of cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel (hereinafter ‘metals’) the EQS set up in this Annex are expressed as total concentrations in the whole water sample. In the case of metals the EQS refers to the dissolved concentration, i.e. the dissolved phase of a water sample obtained by filtration through a 0,45 μm filter or any equivalent pre-treatment. Member States may, when assessing the monitoring results against the EQS, take into account: (a) natural background concentrations for metals and their compounds, if they prevent compliance with the EQS value; and (b) hardness, pH or other water quality parameters that affect the bioavailability of metals.
Policy background III Advances in biotic ligand models have made it possible to consider applying such models to metals. SCHER Opinion 2010 on the Technical Guidance Document on Deriving Environmental Quality Standards confirmed that the methodology for deriving EQS(bioavailable) for metals is sufficiently advanced for this to be done. How to apply this provision in practice?
Objectives of workshop Share experiences and information on using bioavailability-based approaches for metals Consider technical, implementation, and policy aspects, including meeting the needs of the WFD Identify obstacles to applying bioavailability approaches and ways of overcoming them Agree on the essentials of a practical and transparent methodology Discuss potential follow-up
Plenary in morning, with three main presentations Agenda Plenary in morning, with three main presentations Three break-out sessions in the afternoon about three areas: Technical Implementation Policy Plenary to conclude