The First Civilizations beginning 3000 B.C. (Standard 10.1)
The First Civilizations In Ancient Mesopotamia Hammurabi built an empire and created The Code of Hammurabi in 1750 B.C. The Code of Hammurabi was a collection of 282 laws based on strict justice Ancient Egypt’s kingdoms began around 2700 B.C. and the King (Pharaoh) was considered to be divine or a god In 970 B.C. King Solomon ruled Palestine but shortly after his death his Kingdom came to end and his people became known as the Jews (religion of Judaism) 3000 B.C. Ancient India The Indus Civilization came into power, the caste system was created, the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism were founded In Ancient China around 1750 B.C. a civilization began during the Shang Dynasty, and Confucianism began which is a philosophy that empathizes on practicing good morals
Greek Civilization The Polis was the center of Greek Life and it was a place where people met for political, religious and social activities The Greeks had a democracy which is a government by the people and citizens were expected to serve in politics or war Around 700 B.C. Sparta and Athens were the most powerful Greek groups or city-states A city-state has its own government and consists of a city and the area around it Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are the most famous Greek Philosophers and their ideas influenced western culture
Rome and Christianity In 509 B.C. Rome overthrew the king and formed a republic government system In the Roman republic government system the people voted for their representatives Roman Law included the notion that a person is regarded innocent until proven guilty The Roman Empire included present day Jerusalem and Jesus was born in the Roman controlled area Jesus Christ and his followers were persecuted but the Christian religion grew throughout the world and today it’s the largest religion
Islam and Europe during the Middle Ages In Mecca 610 A.D. Muhammad started the religion Islam (Muslims) Islamic soldiers conquered much of the Middle East, North Africa and Spain 800 A.D. Charlemagne became the first Roman Emperor since 476. 1215 A.D. The Magna Carta document and Common Law gave people rights that we still practice today in The USA 1350-1550 during The Renaissance intellectuals such as Leonardo Di Vinci advanced in the different subject areas 1520 Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation