Cooperate or compete? Name:
But what do you think determines this choice? For organisms that live in groups, from humans to microscopic bacteria, there is a choice: cooperate or compete. But what do you think determines this choice?
Cooperation in ants The ants in a colony cooperate. What does this mean? How does cooperating help the ants to survive? All the ants are closely related. Suggest how this explains why they cooperate with each other.
Competition in ants Watch the video. What resources do ants from two different colonies living in the same area compete for? Why did the colony get attacked? 3. Why do the ants defend their colony from the invaders? 4. Describe one method they use to defend the colony.
Cooperation and competition in bacteria Researchers at The University of Oxford, led by Professor Kevin Foster, are studying cooperation and competition in bacteria. The diagram shows how bacteria reproduce. One bacteria can reproduce to form many - called a colony (see video) Why do colonies of bacteria all have the same genetic material? Would the bacteria in a colony be more likely to cooperate or compete for resources? Give a reason for your answer.
Cooperation in bacteria Watch the first 4 minutes of this video where a scientist discusses one way that bacteria in a colony cooperate. Describe how this cooperation helps the bacteria.
Competition in bacteria Bacteria from different colonies compete for resources. Watch the video where Professor Foster discusses how they compete. What kinds of resources do bacteria compete for? Why do bacteria compete? 3. Go to this webpage: Read the article and watch the video. What does the research show?