Marker genes are selected for mouse brain cell types and used to estimate cell type profiles. Marker genes are selected for mouse brain cell types and used to estimate cell type profiles. A, Expression of top marker genes selected for cell cortical cell types in cell types represented by RNA-seq (left) and microarray (right) data in NeuroExpresso. Expression levels were normalized per gene to be between 0 and 1 for each dataset. B, Expression of Fam114a1 in neocortex in microarray (top) and RNA-seq (bottom) datasets. Fam114a1 is a proposed fast spiking basket cell marker. It was not selected as a marker in this study due to its high expression in oligodendrocytes and S100a10 expressing pyramidal cells that were both absent from the original study. B. Ogan Mancarci et al. eNeuro 2017;4:ENEURO.0212-17.2017 ©2017 by Society for Neuroscience