SMEs relative Actions Overview of financing opportunities for SMEs Valerio Abbadessa - ENEA Workshop – IGLO Bruxelles
Research-Performing SMEs Research-Acquiring SMEs Up-stream research Top-down research Type of research: networking, fundamental, pre- competitive…
Long termMedium termShort term ……. 7PQ IDEAS (European Res. Council) To develop infrastructures, new knowledge / technologies To solve societal (technological) problem Networking, (COST, NATO, LIFE+, ESF... ) 7 PQ (PEOPLE) Bottom up JTIs/ PPPs 7 PQ including Capacities / CIP EUREKA( Eurostars..), ERANET (Cornet, Eurotrans-Bio…) KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE Bottom up Bottom up Top down Bott om up Top down Bottom up MARKETMARKETMARKETMARKET Closer to applications Role of partnership University driven / Institute driven –industry guided / Industry driven & executed ROLE OF STRATEGIC ALLIANCES / INFRASTRUCTURE / CONVERGING TECHNOLOGY Closer time to market Size of cooperation / EU level
Top Down vs Bottom-up Cooperation Collaborative Research Health Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology ICT Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & Production Energy Environment (including climate change) Trasport (including aeronautics) Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities Space IDEAS Frontier research PEOPLE Human potential CAPACITIES Research capacities JRC (non-nuclear) European Research Council Initial Training Life-long training Industry-Academia International Dimension Specific Actions Research Infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of Knowledge Research Potential Science in society Support to the coherent development of research policies International Cooperation Security Top Down Bottom-Up
To support innovation activities (including eco- innovation), provides better access to finance and delivers business support services in Europe Entrepreneurship & Innovation (EIP) ~2,170 M (incl 430 eco-innovation) ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) ~730 M Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) ~730 M Budget: about 3,6 billion Euro ( ) CIP: Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
Types of actions: 1.ERA-NET, ERA-NET Plus schemes 2.Participation of the EC to national research programmes together with MS (Art. 169 ) 3.Strengthening with other intergovernmental initiatives (EUREKA) Coordination of national research programmes Type of activities: -Exchange of information and best practices -Preparation and implementation of common activities -Financing of transnational collaborative RTD All sectors
CORNET II Collective Research Networking Brings together national/regional programmes supporting collective research Target group: Research acquiring SME Associations, Federations…. 21 partners from 15 countries Budget: EUR Duration: 24 months About 2 calls per year Next call deadline: 31 March 2010 Participants to the 9 th Call: Austria, Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia), Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain (Valencia), The Netherlands, Turkey (Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal) Country Partner
EraSME² Brings together national/regional programmes Target group: Individual research- acquiring SMEs which need to cooperate with Research Organisations 17 partners from 16 countries Budget: EUR Duration: 24 months Small projects: 2 SMEs from 2 different participating countries/regions and 1 RTD performer Large projects: 4 SMEs from 2 different participating countries/regions and 2 RTD performers About 2 calls per year Next call (7 th ) will open soon with deadline: 31 March
EUROTRANS-BIO European network of Transnational collaborative RTD for SMEs projects in the field of BIOTECHNOLOGY Fostering transnational private-public consortia for the benefit of SMEs Target group: Research performing SME Partners from 12 EU Countries and Regions Consortium composition: 2 SMEs (often bilateral: 2 countries/regions) + sometime 1 RTD performer Duration: 24 months + Average project cost: 1.7 Mio EUR Last call (5 th ) closed 1 February 2010 Participants to the 5 th Call: Austria, Basque Country (Spain), Flanders (Belgium), Finland, France, Germany, Italy, and The Netherlands. Wallonia (Belgium), Hungary, Catalonia (Spain) and the Madrid Region
38 members EUREKA Which Technologies? Which markets?
38 membri 32 members EUROSTARS Joint R&D programme, market-oriented research Target group: R&D performing SMEs 32 countries Budget: EUR Consortium composition: 2 SMEs from different Eurostars members Max duration: 36 months (R2M within 2Ys) Average project cost: 1.5 Mio EUR No participant or country can have a share higher than 75% in the total project costs About 2 calls per year Next call deadline: 25 February 2010
Joint Technology Initiatives Long-term PPPs Public-Private Partnerships 1.Green cars 2.Energy efficient building 3.Factories of the future
JTIs In the specific programme Cooperation 5 JTIs adopted: [Commission proposal / adoption by Council] EC cont. () Ant. total () Industrial founding members Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) [ / ] 1 bn>2 bnvia a Federation Aeronautics and Air Transport (Clean Sky) [ / ] 800 mio1,6 bnas companies Embedded Computing Systems (ARTEMIS) [ / ] 420 mio2,7 bnwith participating States Nanoelectronics Technologies 2020 (ENIAC) [ / ] 450 mio3,0 bnwith participating States Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Initiative (FCH) [ / ] 470 mio>940 miowith RO
Total budget : (M) EU Green Car (Led by Transport) Energy efficient Buildings (Led by NMP) The Factories of the future (Led by NMP) Total Public budget 500 (120 from ICT)* 500*600* Total Private budget Grand total *budget from ICT could be increased 3,2 billion EUR PPP: Public-Private Partnerships
Research-Performing SMEs Up-stream research Top-down research Type of esearch: networking, fundamental, pre- competitive…