I accept that my friends and I might have different opinions Year 3 – Being the same and being different I accept that my friends and I might have different opinions This lesson fits into the ‘Being the same, being different’ strand. It focuses on discussing how and why people might need to play and work cooperatively together and what happens when things don’t quite go to plan. Children are given the opportunity to share what is important to them and work together to solve a problem. They discuss the importance of listening to someone else’s point of view. © Leeds South and East CCG
Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills I know how to play and work co-operatively with others I understand that people often need to play/work together to reach a shared outcome I can share my opinions on things that matter to me I can use problem solving phrases such as ‘What will happen next?’ I can listen to someone else’s point of view when planning strategies 2
How we will work together Can you remember the group agreement we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them. Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the group agreement rules will be displayed in the classroom already. 3
What do we already know? Group discussion What does it mean to work cooperatively? What would make it harder if the people in the pictures were trying to do these things alone? Share pictures of people working together to achieve something. Collect ideas on thought bubbles about how they have worked successfully together. What does it mean to work cooperatively? What would make it harder if the people in the pictures were trying to do these things alone? 4
Let’s get started Maybe we could try… Have you thought about… Useful words and phrases Maybe we could try… Have you thought about… What will happen next? Children to solve river crossing problem as a group (see next 3 slides, solution on the 4th slide). Give the children a set time of 8 minutes to solve the problem! Suggest words and phrases they might use. After the activity, record on thought bubbles any qualities the children felt they brought to the group/ qualities which were important when trying to solve the problem. What were your main views and opinions when solving the problem? What mattered to you the most? Emphasise that it doesn’t matter if they didn’t solve the problem; the important thing is reflecting on how they worked together to find a solution. 5
River crossing scenario A farmer has to get a fox, a chicken and a sack of corn across a river. He has a boat which carries him & one other thing. Read slide
River crossing scenario If the fox and the chicken are left together, the fox will eat the chicken. If the chicken and corn are left together, the chicken will eat the corn. If the farmer is there, all is well. Read slide and ask children to solve the problem. How will the farmer get all the animals and corn across the river?
River crossing scenario Solution: Farmer takes chicken across Comes back Farmer takes fox across Comes back with chicken Farmer takes corn across Farmer takes chicken Once children have had the time to solve the riddle, go through the solution.
Working together http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zsbfb9q Right click on ‘Video link’ hyperlink and click ‘open hyperlink’ to access video. Watch video clip. (Stop at 03:06) Share ideas about what qualities the children think a leader should have. • Helping other people • Trusting people • Planning • Cooperating • Listening • Organising • Encouraging people to help each other Copyright: BBC Bitesize, 2007 10
Working together Watch the rest of the clip. What do you think will happen next? Why? What do you think the potential problems might be? • What do you think will happen next? Why? • What do you think the potential problems might be? Copyright: BBC Bitesize, 2007 11
Working together • Cooperation • Communication http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/z39g9j6 Right click on ‘Video link 2’ hyperlink and click ‘open hyperlink’ to access video. Watch video clip. (Stop at 00:42). Discuss: What’s going well? What’s not going well? What advice would you give them? Watch the rest of the clip. What helped them to succeed in the end? What could have made it better for them? • Cooperation • Communication Copyright: BBC Bitesize, 2007 12
Recipe for success - teamwork Problem solving words and phrases Think about your own experiences of the problem solving activity What qualities are important? How might someone express their views and opinions successfully when working as a team? Mixed ability groups to design a ‘recipe for success’ when working as a team. Link to ideas and discussions during the lesson – can they include problem solving words and phrases? What advice might they give in their recipe based on what they’ve learnt from their own experiences of the problem solving activity? (say what’s important to you; think about how you express your views and opinions, etc.) Also link back to the ideas collected on thought bubbles about ideal qualities when solving a problem/ working as a team. 13
How has our learning progressed? Group discussion Problem solving words and phrases Groups to share recipes for success in team work. Collect problem solving phrases on speech bubbles and display for future reference. 14
Taking the learning away Think about the qualities we have explored in today’s lesson which; Support teamwork and help us to work cooperatively Enable me to share my opinions and views with others Make a good leader Practice using the problem solving phrases next time you need to solve a problem as a group Groups to share recipes for success in team work. Collect problem solving phrases on speech bubbles and display for future reference. 15
Additional resources and help Talk to your teacher or an adult in school Talk to your Mum, Dad or someone you trust at home about how you are feeling If you have them: – Write your worry down and post it in the class worry box – Talk to a peer mediator in your school – Write your worry down on the worry wall on the school’s website Contact: www.mindmate.org.uk/ im-a-young-person Where can I go for help? 12