Mrs. Oakley Parent Night 2018-2019
All About Me I am married to Andrew. We have one daughter named Lizzy Grace. She just turned 4! I graduated from Ole Miss with my Bachelor's degree and Master's degree. This is my 12th year teaching.
Daily Routine 7:25- Students start coming in. Begin Morning Work. 7:45- Last bell rings. Announcements. Review Morning Work 8:00- Restroom Break/Begin ELA instruction 9:15- Activity 11:05-11:30- Lunch 11:30-1:00- Math 1:00-1:20-Recess 1:00-2:00-ELA 2:00-2:40- Science/social studies 2:40- Dismissal
Don’t forget tennis shoes on Monday! Activity 9:15-9:55 Monday- P.E. Tuesday- ART Wednesday- computer Thursday- library Friday- music Don’t forget tennis shoes on Monday!
Conduct Colors/Consequences: Expectations Rules: We ROAR · Respectful · Organized · Achieving · Responsible Conduct Colors/Consequences: Blue- Fabulous Day! · Green – Great Day! · Yellow – Warning! · Orange – 10 minutes of walking at recess · Purple- 20 minutes of walking at recess AND contact parent · Red – Student will visit the office AND receive a write-up form.
English Language Arts/Literacy Paying close attention to details, including illustrations and graphics, in stories and books to answer 5 W’s and H questions Determining the lesson or moral of stories, fables, and folktales Using text features (captions, bold print words, indexes…) to locate key facts or information efficiently Writing an opinion about a book he or she has read, using important details from the materials to support that opinion Writing stories (narratives) that include a short sequence of events and include a clear beginning, middle, and end Participating in shared research projects (read books on a single topic to produce a report) Taking part in conversations by linking his or her comments to the remarks of others and asking questions to gather more information or deepen understanding of the topic Retelling key information or ideas from media or books read aloud Producing, expanding, and rearranging sentences Determining the meaning of a new word formed when a known prefix or suffix is added to a known word (happy/unhappy) Reading grade-level text with understanding and fluency Building a foundation of knowledge through reading and listening to books in history/ social studies, science and other subjects
Math Fluently adding and subtracting numbers with sums to 20 mentally Using a variety of strategies to add and subtract (making 10, place value, relationship between addition and subtraction, number lines) Understanding what the digit means in 3-digit numbers (place value) Solving more challenging addition and subtraction word problems (one- step and two- step) Telling time Counting money Graphing data (bar graphs, line plots, pictographs) Measuring lengths and solving word problems involving addition and subtraction of lengths Building, drawing, and analyzing 2D and 3D shapes to develop foundations for area, volume, and geometry in later grades
Assessments Math Assessments- 60% Math Skills Practice/ Quizzes- 40% Speed drills will be averaged at the end of the 9 weeks for 1 assessment grade. Reading Comprehension- 50% Writing/ Language- 40% Performance Task/ Spelling- 10%
Grades A- 90-100 B- 89-80 C- 79-70 D- 69-65 F- 64-below
How can I help my child at home? *Work with your child on homework at least once a week for 15 minutes or so *Read at home every day and assist your child by reading every other paragraph *Encourage your child to read to younger siblings, cousins, or other children you know. *Have your child write a thank you note or letter to family members or friends *Look for “word problems” in real life *When saving for a purchase, compare the cost of the item to the amount of money you have. Then ask your child to determine how much more money is needed to buy the item. *When measuring your child’s height, ask how many inches he or she has grown since the very first measurement.
Homework Packet goes home on Monday and due on Friday Will consist of skills practice for the skills being taught that week Reading 10-15 mins. (getepic) Study spelling Study vocabulary words
Tuesday Folders and Behavior Calendars Tuesday Folders go home on Tuesday due back the next day Tuesday Folders will have graded and behavior from previous week Sign the half sheet and return it AND anything stapled to it Daily behavior calendars in daily folder should be initialed every day if your child moved his or her clip. I will add color chart on it for the month of Sept.
Scholastic The more you order, The more points we get to order classroom books! Order online, cash, or check payable to Scholastic using my class code PF9MH Flyers will be in soon!
Cafe Breakfast -$1.25 Lunch -$2.75 Chips -$.50 Fruit drink -$1.00
REVO pay Go to the Hernando Hills website and look for the REVO pay link. Revo pay allows you to securely pay for school fees using a credit or debit card.
Parent Portal -Fill out the form along with a copy of your ID to sign up -If you already have an account for another child, you can just add to your account instead of creating a new one
Volunteers Please sign up to volunteer! We need you!!!!
Questions/Contact Info Remind- Text the message @f69f27 to 81010