“There are all kinds of courage “There are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” (Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone) Journal Response: • What does this quote mean to you? • Do you agree or disagree with it? • How does it relate to an experience in your own life?
Pieces of Me Worksheet Identify the characteristics and traits that make you who you are and explore the impact of being identified by only one “piece.” Be prepared to answer the following questions: •If you could only describe yourself using words from one of these columns, which column would you choose, and why? Put a box around the category name. •If you could only describe yourself with one word from that column, would you be able to do so? (Put a box around the one you would choose.) •If others only saw one “piece of you,” which would you want them to choose? Which box would you choose? (Put stars in that box.) •What are the challenges and consequences of only using one “piece of yourself” to describe who you are? What about using one “piece” to see someone else?
Pieces of Me Discussion •If you could only describe yourself using words from one of these columns, which column would you choose, and why? Put a box around the category name. •If you could only describe yourself with one word from that column, would you be able to do so? (Put a box around the one you would choose.) •If others only saw one “piece of you,” which would you want them to choose? Which box would you choose? (Put stars in that box.) •What are the challenges and consequences of only using one “piece of yourself” to describe who you are? What about using one “piece” to see someone else?
Soeren’s Video http://www.specialolympics.org/video_soeren.aspx
Soeren’s Video Connect the short video to Squeaky in “Raymond’s Run.” Find a connection between Soeren and Squeaky and explain their frustrations. Journal Response: What would you do if you were in their shoes, with a sibling who is discriminated against for something of which they have no choice or control?