Schedule of Events-DRAFT Saturday, 18 May 2019 0830 Parking lot opens to the public USAHEC 0900 Program opens to the public USAHEC 0900 WWII Airborne/Paratroopers Display opens LHE 0930 Weapons of the Soldier through the Ages PA 1030 D-Day Program and WWII Aircraft Flyover TOC 1200 Lecture VMPR 1400 WWII Aircraft Flyover TOC 1500 Meet and Greet our Army Veterans VMPR 1600 Revolutionary War Dragoon Demo TF 1700 Program closes Sunday, 19 May 2019 0830 Parking lot opens to the public USAHEC 0900 Program opens to the public USAHEC 0930 The Soldiers of the Civil War PA 1030 WWII Aircraft Flyover 1130 Civil War Artillery Demo TF 1300 Lecture VMPR 1400 D-Day Program and WWII Aircraft Flyover TOC 1500 Meet and Greet our Army Veterans VMPR 1600 Revolutionary War Dragoon Demo TF 1700 Program closes USAHEC – U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center RH – Ridgway Hall PA – Presentation Area TOC – Tank Obstacle Course LHE – Living History Encampment VMPR – VEC Multi-Purpose Rooms TF – Traditions Field