The GEOSTAT project Work Package 2 Geostatistics Working Party/Meeting Geographical Information System for Statistics, Luxembourg, 8 March 2010 Session 2: The Geostat project Marja Tammilehto-Luode Population Statistics Statistics Finland 00022 Statistics Finland Tel : +358 9 17343244 Fax : +358 9 17353251 E-mail :
WP2 - Geostatistics Objectives WP2 – partners Subtasks Final results - deliverables Timetable
WP2 Objectives To improve the GEOSTAT Population Map 2010 To promote production, (improved) quality and content of grid based datasets in the member states To propose tools for harmonised population grid data for Europe To make guidelines for compiling gridded population statistics To demonstrate building of harmonised European population grid data To propose common terms of dissemination of grid based data
WP2 Partners Statistics Finland (WP leader) Statistics Austria Statistics France Statistics Norway Statistics Poland Statistics Portugal MD Mapping, Lars Backer
WP2 Subtasks 1 Disaggregation of data into grids – Top down methods 2 Aggregation of data into grids – Bottom up methods 3 Integration of national grid into the European grid data 4 Examples of using harmonised European population grid data
1. Disaggregation of data into grids Methods and existing data sources Tools and quality indicator Metadata specifications according to INSPIRE Confidentiality rules and their background Statistics France, Statistics Poland and Statistics Portugal
2. Aggregation of data into grids Methods and existing data sources Tools and quality indicators Metadata specifications according to INSPIRE Confidentiality rules and their background Statistics Norway, Statistics Austria, Statistics France and Statistics Poland
3. Integration of national grid into the European grid data Promoting production of grid data in countries where such data are not yet available Previewing obstacles to harmonised European grid data Describing potential tools and quality indicators for harmonised population grid data Describing solutions towards harmonised grid data and grid data dissemination including a solution for confidentiality rules for population variables Statistics Finland and Statistics Austria, Statistics France, Statistics Poland and MD Mapping
4. Examples of using harmonised European population grid data Visualisation of improved European Population Grid map Collection of examples of case studies Statistics Austria, Statistics Finland and MD Mapping
Final results - deliverables Guidelines and examples for production and dissemination of population grid data Disaggregation of data into grids Aggregation of data into grids Integration of available population grid data into European-wide harmonised population grid map Description of available population grid data of Europe (Metadata) Improved population grid map of Europe Preliminary terms of dissemination of population grid data of the whole of Europe
Deliverables Intermediate report summary of progress Final report summary of results Relevant outputs of each subtask Documents will be available on EFGS website and/or GEOSTAT portal
Timetable Start January 2010 Intermediate report March 2011 Subtask 1 December 2010 Subtask 2 December 2010 Subtask 3 March 2011 Final report November 2011 Subtask 4 September 2011 Subtasks 1-4 November 2011