Essay Writing Tips for The Scarlet Letter
Primary Objective: Prove your thesis and Primary Objective: Prove your thesis and analyze how devices reinforce thesis. Express compelling insights related to your thesis in every body paragraph. Consistently analyze how Hawthorne’s use of a particular device—third-person omniscient point of view, characterization, descriptive details, imagery, figurative language (metaphors, similes),—furthers his argument embedded in your thesis.
BTs Link to thesis and method All BTs must mention a device (alternate terms are fine) and express an opinionated point connected to the thesis. Use your webs to craft insights related to your thesis. More complex, thoughtful, and precise webs will generate more profound and original insights. CS: reinforce BT. Mention H’s use of the device and its link to the thesis (INNOVATIVE wc needed)
Commentary 1st cm: more specific analysis related to cd. 2nd cm: development of first cm or global insight—move beyond the novel. Your thesis is not limited to the characters in the novel. Link thesis/themes to an impact on readers. Limit references to readers/audience. Mention no more that 5 times throughout the essay.
Concrete Details specific support for BT CD selection is crucial!! Choose the BEST cds in the novel to support your BT. Each cd must: 1) illustrate an example of the device named in the BT 2) provide enough substance to analyze and link back to your BT/thesis.
Omniscient Point of View CDs Inner workings of a character’s heart, mind, soul. How exactly does this narrative perspective reveal what a character is feeling—and why? What motivates this character? Why is this significant? How does it facilitate an argument? Analyze thoughts, emotions, motives, desires, fears, battles, & revelations of the character and link these to your BT. How does this all-knowing perspective from a subjective narrator perpetuate a desired effect? How does it reinforce your thesis/Hawthorne’s argument? With whom do his sympathies lie?
Omniscient Point of View All-knowing narrator/storyteller Narrative voice/perspective God-like vantage point, insight, view Unrestricted access to… Emotions (specific ones), thoughts, motives, desires, concerns, intentions, battles, secrets, goals, visions, regrets, etc.
Verbs for analyzing an Omniscient Point of View Reveals Examines Explores Illuminates Unveils Exposes Delves Extracts Evokes (desired effect) Divulges Magnifies
Characterization CDs appearance actions expressed thoughts to others (dialogue) descriptions comments by other characters
Verbs for analyzing Characterization: Portrays Depicts Represents Illustrates Describes Distinguishes
Descriptive Details/Imagery CDs Sensory Descriptions Details that describe, arouse emotion, or represent abstractions Physical details convey messages about characters, themes.
Verbs for analyzing Descriptive Details/Imagery: Highlight Display Illuminate Elucidate