Epics and Epic Heroes Archetype
Epic a long poem, tracing the adventures and hardships of a hero; epics contain elevated language, repetition, archetypal qualities (supernatural helpers, an epic hero, monsters, good vs. evil, death and rebirth).
Epic Hero Characteristics (from Peter Stillman’s Introduction to Myth) Heroes are important to their communities. Heroes are often of obscure or mysterious origin (demi-gods) Heroes are neither fools nor invincible. Heroes are called upon to make a journey or to follow a goal or quest. The heroes’ ways are not always direct or clear to the heroes. The heroes’ ways are beset with dangers, loneliness, and temptation. Many quest tales supply friends, servants, or disciples as company for heroes. Heroes have guides. Heroes descend into darkness and are not the same after emerging from darkness. What heroes seek is usually no more than a symbol of what they really find. With few exceptions, mythological heroes are male.
Epic Path Separation: hero leaves home and shows potential for greatness
Epic Path Initiation: hero confronts and overcomes difficult obstacles; moment of literal or metaphorical darkness.
Epic Path Return: hero returns home with a boon; hero is wise and mature; recognized as a hero by his community.
The Modern Heroic Journey In modern stories, all protagonists follow the archetypal path in some way Said to be a metaphor for the dangers of becoming an adult –Coming of Age Modern tales might not battle beasts, but villains, parents, strangers, inner demons, etc. Protagonist heroes still have the heroic traits, esp. mysterious origin, call to quest, etc. Harry Potter, Star Wars, Ender’s Game