You already know what it is Line Plots Box Plots Histograms And there’s an answer key
Now watch me solve (Do it. ) Measures of center (Yeah Now watch me solve (Do it!) Measures of center (Yeah!) Median and Mean, Mean And Mode ends it (We can do it)
The purpose is To finda typical Number that sums, up The set of data
If you Want, to calculate The, mean of the set Add, the numbers up And then divide
Cal-culate the mode, Find the number thatyou See, the most often There you have it
The median the middle value Of the data (data) In the set(set, set) And to find it Order the numbers (L to G) Look at the middle That’s the median
Now look at stats (stats Now look at stats (stats!) It’s a question That can be answered (collecting) Data which (has some) Variability (in it) How much time (Do I) Spend on homework Every week (typically)
Counting stars Next song at 1:03!
Liiine plots are used to dis-play, all the data Outliiiiers are sometimes so big, sometimes they’re so small Histograms, Intervals, Histograms Measuring and graphing makes me feel so smart
Lately I learned how to calculate, Measures of center mean, mode, median Distribution tells us about graphs, Said no more adding money, we’ll be graphing now
Lately I learned how to calculate, Measures of center mean, mode, median Distribution tells us about graphs, Said no more adding money, we’ll be, we’ll be graphing now
Love yourself Next song at 52 seconds
Histograms are a graphical display Of numerical data into intervals It has an x and y axis Both have scales and numbers And now I know It is a very special bar chart
Graphing is a way to organize Data into charts and ta-ables Line plots, bar graphs, and histograms Are charts that you can use to organize
My teacher don’t like art but she likes algebra And I never liked to admit that I was wrong I’ve been so caught up in my work Didn’t write down the homework But now I know I need to focus on my work
X represents all the information Oh teacher, you should go and make line plots The line is drawn on a number line And teacher, you should go and make line plots