Commission's activities WG Groundwater 8-9 October 2018, Vienna, Austria Elisa Vargas Amelin Policy Officer DG Environment
CIS work programme 2016-2018 Just as a reminder: CIS work programme for 2016-2018 with agreed activities and tasks for WG Groundwater. The following slides summarise COM's activities that are of interest to the group. Most slides have links to the corresponding policy or folders in circabc where additional information can be found (minutes, presentations and technical documents). As you know today we will start the discussion on our new mandate 2019-2021. 2/18
Water Directors meeting 11-12 June 2018 SCG meeting 17 May 2018 Water Directors meeting 11-12 June 2018 Water status and WFD objectives, EEA’s works, 2nd RBMPs assessment. 2019-2021 CIS Work Programme: continuation of current work programme (including WGGW), less emphasis on new guidance documents and more on exchange of practical experience. More attention is required for agriculture and water, the economic dimension of water policy, climate change and droughts, emerging topics… A mini-package of CE actions will be produced late in 2017 which will inter alia include the Plastics Strategy and actions on water reuse EU Water Conference 2018, 20-21, Sept. 3/18
Water Framework Directive Floods Directive Pharmaceuticals in the environment Fitness Check Plastics Strategy (microplastics) Environmental Quality Standards Directive Groundwater Directive Water re-use COM proposal Water Framework Directive Floods Directive Birds Directve Evaluation Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Bathing Water Directive Habitats Directive Nitrates Directive Marine Strategy Framework Directive Drinking Water Directive Plant Protection Products Directive Environmental Impact Assessment Directive Industrial Emmissions Directive Sewage Sludge Directive Seveso Directive
Evaluation of EU water policy Drinking Water Directive (2016) Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (ongoing) Fitness Check (ongoing) Water Framework Directive Environmental Quality Standards Directive Groundwater Directive Floods Directive 11/18
Existing information EU water legislation: WFD (2000) Groundwater (2006) EQSD (2008) Floods Directive (2007) Information via reporting by Member States: WFD (RBMPs) and Floods Directive (FRMPs) – WISE reporting Common Implementation Strategy – guidance documents and other deliverables, input from working groups and workshops on all aspects of implementation Many infringement cases in the past and ongoing Information through Court of Auditor reports - Performance audit on the Floods Directive - EU-funding of Urban Waste Water Treatment plants in the Danube river basin - Combating eutrophication in the Baltic Sea - Water quality in the Danube river basin
WFD and FD - timetable for implementation reports and Fitness Check Reporting measures Reporting measures Reporting measures 2009 2015 2021 2027 RBMP / FRMPs … RBMP1 RBMP2/FRMP1 RBMP3/FRMP2 RBMP4/FRMP3 COM implementation reports Blueprint 2012 first RBMP 4Q-2018 2nd RBMP/1st FRMP 2019 Fitness Check Fitness Check Nov 2017 – Q2/Q3 2019 4Q 2019 New COM takes office
Fitness Check EU WFD/FD Roadmaps published Public consultation open!! Share your views! Until 4/3/2019 Reporting of the River Basin Management Plans EEA State of Water report Outcomes of the Common Implementation Strategy (both for WFD, GW, EQSD and FD) Results of the 2012 Fitness Check of EU Water policy UWWTD evaluation Non-REACH chemicals evaluation Study on Integrated Assessment Study on Blue2 LIFE projects Public consultation under the Fitness Check 15/18
Assessment of RBMPs and FRMPs 3 dimensions: RBMPs, FRMPs and transboundary RBDs Format: EU overview and Member State annexes Process: analysis of key topics, previous recommendations; focus on progress and shortcomings EEA – State of Water Report 2018 14/18
What is the Commission looking at? Comprehensive picture presented in previous implementation reports Focus of current assessment of RBMPs: progress since first cycle and follow-up to Commission recommendations Basis for analysis: information reported by Member States; a number of other sources serve as complementary information Main areas: governance; monitoring, assessment and classification of status; designation of Highly Modified Water Bodies; groundwater, environmental objectives and exemptions; diffuse pollution; economic analysis; droughts etc.
Preliminary findings on GW from the RBMPs assessment 14/18
Upcoming CIS meetings WG DIS, 8-9 October, Brussels WG Chemicals, 16 October, Brussels Floods WG + Workshop, 16-19 October, Brussels ATG on Water Reuse, 23-24 October, Milan, IT WG Ecostat, 23-24 October, Malmö, SE SCG, 8 November, Brussels Water & Marine Directors meeting, 29-30 November, Vienna, Austria 12/18