PLEASE NOTE Due to copyright reasons, the images in this power point have been removed, leaving only the text left over from the slide show. Also please note, other terms and names may have been given verbally by the instructor and were never a part of this slide show. Students are ultimately responsible for taking notes seen in slides, mentioned verbally, images seen in slide shows and in videos. The current 8th edition of Sayre’s A World of Art is the book used in this class for lecture, tests and quizzes. Students may definitely find an older edition of the text is sufficient for them, but please note that images may be numbered differently and appear in different chapters between editions and that older editions may not have 100% all the images the newest 8th edition has. Thank you.
Chapter 7 Principles of Design
Principles of Design usually in terms of: Balance Emphasis Proportion Scale Repitition Rhythm Unity Variety
Visual Balance
Absolute symmetry Radial balance
Absolute symmetry – when both sides of a work of art are exactly the same, mirror images of each other. Bilateral symmetry – a type of balance when two sides of a work of art are very similar, but have minor discrepancies. Asymmetrical balance – a type of balance where two sides are not similar to each other, but clearly do balance one another.
Absolute symmetry – when both sides of a work of art are exactly the same, mirror images of each other. Bilateral symmetry – a type of balance when two sides of a work of art are very similar, but have minor discrepancies. Asymmetrical balance – a type of balance where two sides are not similar to each other, but clearly do balance one another.
Absolute symmetry – when both sides of a work our art are exactly the same, mirror images of each other. Bilateral symmetry – a type of balance when two sides of a work of art are very similar, but have minor discrepancies. Asymmetrical balance – a type of balance where two sides are not similar to each other, but clearly do balance one another.
Absolute symmetry Radial balance
Focal Emphasis
Afocal Artwork in which no single point of the composition demands our attention any more or less than any other and in which the eye can find no place to rest.
Scale & Proportion
Scale – is the relative size of one object compared to a completely Scale – is the relative size of one object compared to a completely different object; it is an external reference. Proportion – is the size relationship between parts of the same whole.
Proportion: Relation of size of two elements that are part of the same whole. The clowns feet and nose are out-of-proportion with the rest of her body.
An observation of… Proportion
An observation of… Scale
Repetition and Rhythm
Repetition – a repetitive motif or design, to repeat something Rhythm – an effect achieved when shapes, colors, or a regular pattern of any kind is repeated over and over again. Rhythm has a sense of order, and thus promotes sense of unity. Pattern – is a repetitive motif or design.
Auguste Rodin The Gates of Hell with Adam and Eve 1880-1917
Auguste Rodin, Three Shades, 1881