Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 28/10/10 ASTRONAUTICS Manuela Igorra Florencia Correa
Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 28/10/10 The Astronautics is the branch of engineering dedicated to designing and building mills that operate outside the Earth's atmosphere, whether manned or not. It covers both the construction of the vehicles themselves as the design of the launchers to be put in orbit. It is a branch broad and complex due to the difficult conditions under which equipment must function to be designed. WHAT IS THE ASTRONAUTIC
28/10/10 Astronautic is of recent origin, born in the late nineteenth though some scientists still start to study theoretical possibilities of space travel. Considered the founder of Russian astronautic Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky
Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 28/10/10 The expansion of astronautics means the progress of astronomical research and the advancement of technology. the objectives of the research being done in the astronauts are the field of mechanical sky, also the development of artificial satellites is remarkable. ASTRONAUTIC´S OBJETIVES
28/10/10 ASTRONAUTIC DRAFT WORDLWIDE General Apollo The Apollo program: The Apollo project was one of the most exciting stages of exploration undertaken by thehumans during the twentieth century. The Apollo astronauts carried out during flights many experiments that helped us uncover some of the mysteries of Moon and Solar System The conquest of the Moon: Apollo Missions Apollo history will find interesting things and schemes technical craft Apollo command module, service module, lunar module, complete drawings of the control panels of these ships, and some other information.
28/10/10 The conquest of the Moon: Apollo Missions Apollo history hasdisciver interesting things and schemes technical craft Apollo command module, service module, lunar module, complete drawings of the control panels of these ships, and some other information. There have been many interesting reports made to the press before and after each mission, specially the ones concerning Apollo 11, which were very detailed and well-prepared.
28/10/10 ADVANCENMENT OF ASTRONAUTIC The astronautic will not be developed in practice until the late fifties, with the first orbital flight of Sputnik. It was not until the twentieth century when technological advances allowed human powered flying by, first, and reach outer space later. The development of astronomy has allowed us over scientific advances, research and globalization of information
28/10/10 PHOTOS Modelos de naves espaciales. satelite. Estacion espacial internacional. Base espacial en la luna.
28/10/10 BIBLIOGRAPHY intercosmos.iespana.es adaar-astronautica.com austrinus.com Wikipedia.com