South Cumbria Catchment Management Group Vision, Strategic Themes, Objectives & Action Plan
Supported by our Mission to: SC CMG Vision Healthy, resilient and valued South Cumbrian Catchments, that help to sustain vibrant communities and economy. Supported by our Mission to: Reduce community flood risk through the delivery of co-ordinated on-the-ground action. At the same time; Deliver wider benefits for nature and people. Enabled by: A Strategic Overview Collaborative Working Joined-up Thinking Open Innovation & Enterprise Effective Dialogue Learning By Doing Implemented through: A rolling annual programme of high impact projects. Catchment Partnerships & Making Space For Water and other Working Groups An Evolving Integrated Catchment Management Network
Strategic Fit & Process At the first meeting of SC CMG in October 2017 members decided that the emphasis of the group should be that of enablement. SC CMG will enable delivery groups such as Becks to Bay CaBA Partnership and Making Space For Water (& others) to increase the scope, scale and impact of their existing project activities. A graphic is presented to illustrate how this will be achieved. The graphic shows 1) how SC CMG fits into wider flood risk, catchment management and innovation frameworks (blue boxes) and 2) the key stages in process of project identification, development, funding and execution (green boxes). This framework is presented to 1) make investment work harder and 2) drive better and faster outcomes 3) drive open innovation.
Open Catchment Innovation New Investment & Co-Created Solutions SC CMG Strategic Fit (Concept) New Funding & Open Catchment Innovation New Investment & Co-Created Solutions (universities, industry, governments and communities) e.g. CSFP (RFCC) / LDNPP / LEP & KEY PARTNER BUSINESS PLANNING South Cumbria CMG Becks to Bay CaBA Partnership Making Space For Water Group Decision Support (data & evidence) Staveley Pilot There will be more… Strategic Prioritisation & Resourcing (Cumbria) Making Investment Work Harder (Outcomes) Towards Place Based Decision Making Local Strategy & Enablement CaBA sub-catchment level pulls in ( issues and action from a variety of other plans such as Windermere Strategy / Management Plan, River Restoration Strategy, etc, etc… K&LCMG – Using best science and evidence (including benefits forecasting) build business case for ? Year implementation / business plan Defra FCG support that process with evidence and staff time. CSFP consider the business plan in a Cumbria context and identify potential co-finance / resourcing mechanisms Project Development & Delivery (Working Groups) Integrated Catchment Management
Three Strategic Themes ST1 Projects Shaping Opportunity Agreeing Solutions Securing Resources Delivering Effectively ST2 Dialogue Increased Understanding Integrated Planning Inclusive Decision Making ST3 Innovation Foresighting & Forecasting Co-designed Solutions Improved Delivery Dialogue Innovation Projects THEME SYMBIOSIS
How will we do this? Gathering the best available information to understand our catchments - where the water comes from, how it flows through the landscape both overground and underground, and what activities in the catchment may be causing pressures (e.g flooding, pollution, etc.) Looking at all the aspects of water on its journey through a catchment – flooding, pollution, agricultural, recreational, economic and also the vital ecosystems that depend on water to survive. Engaging local communities and involving them in decision making and management of their catchments. Adopting appropriate measures to ensure that significant pressures and activities are effectively managed. Applying the scientific and local knowledge of how the catchment operates to manage, protect and improve water, providing a healthy, resilient, productive and valued resource that supports vibrant communities. Adding Value and Making Connections to existing capital projects and investment programmes.
ST1 PROJECTS Annual Rolling Action Plan Objectives Actions By When Outcome/s Programmes E.g. Working With / Funded By Shaping Opportunity Map existing project activity ID Gaps / Needs Develop a pipeline of joined-up thinking projects TBA Adding value to existing programmes and ID gaps. A long-list of new potential projects based on strategic need. NFM Capital Programmes Cumbria Peat Partnership CaBA MSFW UU AMP LNP Agreeing Solutions Support development and preparation of project business cases. Prioritisation of projects. Agreed short-list of ‘ready to go’ projects. River Restoration MENTOR (NERC) Defra Virtual Catchment Group Lancaster Uni United Utilities Securing Resources Present an annual portfolio / business plan of projects to strategic funders Develops consortium based funding bids An approved annual programme of prioritised and funded projects. Defra Gia WFD / RDPE Countryside Stewardship AMP 7 / PR19 Woodland Creation Grants CSFP / RFCC LDNPP UU LEP Private Investors Defra Family Delivering Effectively Project Delivery Plan / Risk Register Annual Plan Evaluation Flood Risk Reduction Nature & People Benefits Investment working harder. CMG 3 Year Rolling Implementation Plan CMG Partners Contractors Communities
ST2 Dialogue Annual Rolling Action Plan Objectives Actions By When Outcome/s CSFP Success Measure Programmes Working With / Funded By Increased Understanding Provide Content for CSFP Website Develop a Tactical Communications Plan SC CMG Projects Place Based Engagement Events & Activities TBA An Informed Catchment Community Third Sector Community Engagement EA Flood Resilience SCRT LNP FlAGs Pilot Communities Integrated Planning Ensure key planning organisations are members of CMG Provide input into local plan process Outcomes Focused Catchment Management Pioneer Local Plans AMP 7 / PR19 Planning Authorities RMAs Local Businesses Inclusive Decision Making Development of Decision Support & Targeting Tool/s Working / Community Group Meetings Supporting Local Priorities Understanding Community needs Delivering Organisational Requirements NERC (MENTOR) Lancaster Uni Uni of Cumbria Durham Uni Communities at Risk
ST3 Innovation Annual Rolling Action Plan Objectives Actions By When Outcome/s Programmes Working With / Funded By Foresighting & Forecasting Development of Decision Support Tools TBA Informed & Inclusive Decision Making Pioneer Mentor (NERC) At Risk Communities Universities (NERC) Co-design Place Based / Issue Project Working Groups Integrated and Innovative Solutions Increased Knowledge Exchange Enterprise Approach NERC NFM EA / CCC CaBA MSFW CSFP Universities (LEC / UoC) Improved Delivery Link Investment Plans Co-ordinate Capital Programmes Making Investment Work Harder Cost Effective Delivery Managing / Mitigating Risk Cumbria Floods Plan Group Business Plans Public Sector Private Sector Third Sector Learning By Doing Trialling new approaches / solutions On-going Evaluation Adaptive Management Enhancement of SC CMGs reputation and image. An increase in operational efficiency and cost benefits. Better financial performance Greater in‐house expertise leading to further innovation NERC Mentor ?? Universities Govt Research Bodies Business
Risk Register Generic to All CMGs Specific to SC CMG e.g. Lack of Funding (CMG & Actions) Partner Commitment Decision Support / Evidence Specific to SC CMG Geographic Scale (Impact) Complexity of Catchments & No of ‘at risk’ communities A Large Scale / High Intensity Flood Event There are more!!!
Rolling Meeting Agenda Agree Notes Of Previous Meeting Actions Arising not covered in Agenda Implementation Plan Reports (inc Exceptions) ST1 ST2 ST3 Risk Register Review CSFP Liaison AOB (in advance)