Sgiliau a Datblygu Economaidd Skills and Economic Development


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Presentation transcript:

Sgiliau a Datblygu Economaidd Skills and Economic Development Huw Morris

Sgiliau a Datblygu Economaidd Skills and Economic Development 1. Llwyddiannau hyd yn hyn 2. WBFG a phedair thema gydgysylltiol 3. Partneriaeth gymdeithasol 4. Buddsoddiad â ffocws 5. Monitro cynnydd Successes to date WBFG and four interlinked themes Social Partnership Focused investment Monitoring progress

Llwyddiannau hyd yn hyn Successes to date WorldSkills Rhaglenni a gwblhawyd Gwariant Ardoll TEF WorldSkills Completions Expenditure Levy TEF

WBFG a phedair thema gysylltiedig WBFG and four linked themes Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Pedair thema gysylltiedig Ffyniannus ac yn diogel Iach ac yn weithgar Uchelgeisiol ac yn dysgu Unedig ac yn gysylltiedig Well-being of Future Generations Four linked themes Prosperous and secure Healthy and active Ambitious and learning United and connected

Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol Social Partnership Cyngor Datblygu’r Economi Bwrdd Cyflogaeth a Sgiliau Cymru Partneriaethau Sgiliau Rhanbarthol Partneriaeth Dysgu, Medrau ac Arloesi De Ddwyrain Cymru Partneriaeth Sgiliau Ranbarthol Gogledd Cymru Partneriaeth Ddysgu a Sgiliau Ranbarthol De Orllewin a Chanolbarth Cymru Council for Economic Development Wales Employment and Skills Board Regional Skills Partnerships South East Wales Learning, Skills and Innovation Partnership (LSkIP) Regional Skills Partnership North Wales Regional Learning and Skills Partnership South West & Mid Wales (RLSP)

Buddsoddiad â Ffocws Focused investment Adolygiad Diamond Prentisiaeth Pob Oed Cynllun Cyflogadwyedd Bob Oed Adolygiad Reid o waith ymchwil ac arloesi a ariennir gan Llywodraeth Cymru Diamond Review All-Age Apprenticeship All Age Employability Plan Reid Review of Research and Innovation expenditure

Monitro Cynnydd Monitoring Progress

Monitro Cynnydd Monitoring Progress

Monitro Cynnydd Monitoring Progress