NESCAUM MAC MEETING October 17, 2007 Regional Update NESCAUM MAC MEETING October 17, 2007
FY08 PM Air Monitoring Grants Current status on FY08 funding: On CR until November 16, 2007 Congressional Bills keep PM 103 grants Regional Allocations due in mid-November ‘07 FY07 PM Grants All FY07 PM 103 grants end on 3/31/08 OAR is likely to require grant closure on 3/31/08 All unexpended funds would revert to OAR States would have to request return of funds
NCore Additional equipment funds possible in FY08 103 PM air monitoring grants States need to provide RO a list of needed equipment including monitors, calibrators, met, data transfer, QA, etc. (ASAP) Next National Conference Call on NCore Technology and Implementation is on PM2.5 continuous monitors in November 2007. The NCore Station Web Site can be accessed at - Use the super top secret user name "ncore" and password "ncore" to access the site.
LEAD NAAQS The ANPR and staff paper are due out shortly. With a potentially lower NAAQS, there may be a need for increased Pb monitoring.
Air Monitoring Plans New England States approval letters out late October New York and New Jersey already approved PAMS, STN, and NCore sites require EPA OAQPS approval. Approvals by January 08.
Air Toxics Monitoring Funding NATTS Grants Only funded to June 30, 2008 using FY07 funds. FY08 proposed $5.29 million Community Scale Grants FY07/08 ~ $8 million – recent competition FY09 – FY11~ $4.5 million/yr