Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Definition of Parameters and selection criteria for TG4a Band Plan ] Date Submitted: [21 June 2005] Source: [Saeid Safavi, Wideband Access Inc.] Contact: Saeid Safavi. Voice:[+1 858 642 9114, E-Mail:] Abstract: [Band Plan parameters, prioritized list of Band Plan selection criteria] Purpose: [Clarification of definition of critical parameters such as pulse rate and chip rate as well as a prioritized list of criteria for selection of the band plan] Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
UWB Signal Parameter Definitions Chip The minimum time resolution of a UWB signal, whose rate is considered as the minimum sampling rate of the signal (complying with the Nyquist sampling theorem), i.e. closest allowable distance between successive pulses Pulse A radiated short transient UWB signal whose time duration is associated with the reciprocal of its UWB -10 dB BW , i.e. the shortest waveform Effective Pulse Duration An interval which is defined by the effective portion of the pulse energy with a time duration which is the reciprocal of the -10 dB BW of the UWB signal Burst Group of Pulses Symbol Group of Bursts Channel Separation The difference between the center frequencies of each channel (its relation to chip rate is not yet defined) PRF The frequency of repetition of Pulses or Pulse Repetition Frequency BRF The frequency of repetition of bursts (group of pulses ) or Burst Repetition Frequency PRI, BRI Reciprocal of PRF and BRF respectively
Illustration of Pulse and Chip Definitions One Pulse PULSE: shortest waveform One Chip CHIP: closest allowable distance between successive pulses
Illustration of UWB (baseband) Signal Parameter Definitions Symbol Duration Burst Duration Pulse Duration Pulse Burst (1 or more pulses) Symbol (1 or more bursts) Signal in time domain Burst Repetition Interval (BRI, assuming one Burst per symbol) 3 dB BW Inverse Relation BRF Effective Pulse Duration Chip Duration -3 dB -10 dB -20 dB -30 dB Spectrum -40 dB Inverse Relation -50 dB -60 dB -70 dB 10 dB BW
Prioritized Band Plan Selection Criteria Priority Criterion 1 Margin from 3.1 GHZ (FCC Compliance), the larger, the better → to address out-of-band interference 2 Margin from 4.9 GHZ (Co-existence with WLAN), the larger, the better → to address out-of-band interference 3 It is preferred that the center frequencies of the 3 bands be integer multiple of the Chip Rate or the channel separation, Burst Rates (BRF’s) and PRF’s → to address ease of implementation/lower cost 4 PRF’s, BRF’s ,Channel Separation or Chip Rate, and Center Frequencies can be generated by a VCO using a Single PLL → to address ease of implementation/lower cost 5 SOP Support: Via Channel Separation → to address larger number of SOP’s Via Pulse Compression 6 Support of Xtal frequencies (12, 13, 9.6 and their multiples) → to address ease of implementation /lower cost 7 Primary division(s) in PLL implementation is 2, the more initial divide by 2 divisions, the better → to address ease of implementation/lower cost 8 Coexistence with WiMedia and UWBforum through Center Frequencies and other means → to address coexistence 9 Each sub-band’s bandwidth does not have to be related to the separation between the center frequencies (channel separation) and is defined by pulse shape → to address ease of implementation/Definition of UWB signal based 10 Above 6 GHz band plan → to address future implementations 11 Coexistence with other Standards (IEEE or Non-IEEE) → to address coexistence