American Literature: Day 3 August 21st and 22nd Standard 1 & 2 American Dream Article Jigsaw The Power of Positivity Activity Webquest – The Crucible Free Read
“Keeping the Dream Alive” by Jon Meacham 5 groups of 6 I will assign a different section of the article to each group. You will have 20 minutes to re-read your section together. Next, you will collaborate in order to make a visual that will you will use to teach the ideas of that particular section to the rest of the class. Make sure everyone is involved. You will present when everyone is finished.
The Crucible Webquest Search online for the answers to your assigned questions in order to gain background knowledge and understanding of the play before we begin reading/watching. This play is an allegory and represents something else. With this play, we are exploring different concepts and aspects of human nature. Think about this big question while you are researching: What do you think this unit says about humanity? You will be working in groups to complete a presentation on issues related to the Salem Witch Trials and Arthur Miller in the 1950s. You will be working in a group of 2 or 3 to create a presentation on one of the following Crucible Presentation Topics.
Your presentation must include: Visuals (consider one page for every question or you could use butcher paper) A title Relevant information about the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your topic. Try to stick to big picture information. There is no limit to the number of items you should/can have, however, you should limit your information to the most important elements. Abbreviate the important ideas/points of your information so that people can take notes. You should conclude by reiterating the 3 most important facts for your presentation. You must provide a bibliography at the end of the presentation. This can be as simple as the websites listed on the back of your visuals.