Considering Colleges Out-of-State Presented by: RACC Creating Options In Your College Search Considering Colleges Out-of-State Presented by: RACC Providing out-of-state options for students of California
Providing out-of-state options for students of California Facts to Inspire You California could be 1 million college graduates short by 2025 27,300 California high school graduates started college at an out-of-state, four- year university in 2010, up 90% from 2000 Under 10,000 Come to California to start a four-year degree 8 out of 10 jobs in California will require a college degree California ranks 1st in the nation for importing people with a Bachelors Degree, California ranks 41st in the nation importing people with less than a HS Degree NCHEM Information Center – and US Census Bureau Providing out-of-state options for students of California
Providing out-of-state options for students of California In-State College and Universities 9 - UC Campuses – 182,000 23 - Cal State Campuses – 334,885 112 - Junior Colleges - 2.6 Million 75 - Private College (AICCU)- 147,613 System Count University of California 10 California State University 23 California Community Colleges 112 Other Public Colleges and Universities 2 WASC-Accredited Non-public 4-Year Institutions 108 WASC-Accredited Non-public 2-Year Institutions 11 State-Approved Institutions 180 Institutions Exempt from State Approval 27 Prop 30 allows CSU to AA 10-15,000 more students. CA State University's fall 2013 application period is on pace to set another record. The passage of Proposition 30 allowed CSU campuses to admit 10,000 to 15,000, 11 campuses are impacted for Frosh, 5 for ALL programs, CSU received 517,517 Apps for 2013 UC = 372,820 Apps, accepts 164,735. Accept rate avg 50%, range 21-88 % CC = New- lower units registered first, people werent leaving. 1907 started, 1920 CA ranked 11 in population, only 1/3 attend full time. 3 yr grad rates in low 20%, nationally 15%, 1/3 complete in 3 years or transfer Providing out-of-state options for students of California
Providing out-of-state options for students of California Nearly 1 million students graduating from CA high schools and Community Colleges… …With 107 Four Year Colleges/Universities to consider in their home state 10% JC grad rate X 2.9 mil = 290,000 HS Graduate = 383,00 Private 34,000 Actual Graduates – 707,000 estimate and HS Grad Rate at CA schools 60% should be 1.5 Ranks 37 in nation with graduation rates Providing out-of-state options for students of California
Providing out-of-state options for students of California Over 3400 Colleges Find Your Match College Get Accepted -Admission Rates Sizes (ranges) New Locations –Adventure, Growth Costs – find an affordable option Providing out-of-state options for students of California
Providing out-of-state options for students of California Cost Average UC Cost = $31,700 Tuition, Fees, R&B, Personal, books, transportation – 2012-13 (UC Web Site Average CSU Cost = $23,811 Fees, R&B, Personal, books, transportation – 2012-13 (CSU Web Site Average State School/Out-of-State = $29,682 Fees, R&B, Personal, books, transportation – 2012-13 Average Private School Costs = $43,289 Tuition, Fees, R&B, Personal, books, transportation – 2012-13 (college board – 80% receive scholarship and grant, net costs /$27,600) Public four-year colleges charge, on average, $7,605 per year in tuition and fees for in-state students. The average surcharge for full-time out-of-state students at these institutions is $11,990. Private nonprofit four-year colleges charge, on average, $27,293 per year in tuition and fees. Public two-year colleges charge, on average, $2,713 per year in tuition and fees. Providing out-of-state options for students of California
Providing out-of-state options for students of California Growth Learning Get To Know The College The academic Profile Class size Student to teacher ratio School population Majors Extra curricula activities Campus & surroundings Diversity Location Weather Know You GPA/Test Scores Independent worker, collaborative worker Campus Size Majors Resume Your Inspiration Interests, hobbies Providing out-of-state options for students of California
Providing out-of-state options for students of California The Plan How Decisions Are Made – What Colleges Consider Curriculum/School GPA Test Scores Rec Letters Resume Essay Interview Your Interest Providing out-of-state options for students of California
Top Reasons Students Chose Their College 5) Location, Location, Location 4) Size of the student body 3) Cost 2) I got accepted 1) It just felt right Providing out-of-state options for students of California