My favourite singer. Evanescence
My favourit singer is Evanescence My favourit singer is Evanescence. They are five people in this group: Amy Lee, Vylliam Boind, John Lekompt and Terry Balzamo.
Amy Lee is a bend singer she is also the founder of this group Amy Lee is a bend singer she is also the founder of this group. Their group is very popular. Amy`s voice is impressive and touchy. Both her wondeful voice and the agressive type of music made their album: “Fallen” famous among all people in the world.
They won many rewards among which are two Grammies. Amy Lee works much. She plays the piano, writes song. To tell more she is a brilliant singer too. In their songs they combine romantic am classical types of music.
On the back group of the piano music we can hear voice, choir, strings. I am fond of this group.