Take Home Lab Directions Product Comparisons
Pick a product Think of any product that you normally use or know. You will need three samples of each product Example, Paper towels: Bounty, Sparkle and Store Brand
Write a list of possible products 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Measurement Mass, length, strength, time It is important to be able to quantitatively measure your product. Mass, length, strength, time Example: Use pennies to measure how strong a paper towel is.
Look at your list. Pick three of your choices and write next to them a way you could quantitatively measure your product 1 2 3
Problem Now, next to each of the three chosen, write a possible problem. Example: Which paper towel is the strongest? Which gum flavor lasts the longest? Which dish soap makes the most soap?
Take it home!! Now you have a beginning to your lab, so here are some things to remember. Your lab needs to be: Neat, legible handwriting or typed All parts of the scientific lab is used and filled in Sure your hypothesis is testable.
Remember!!!- Check your composition book. Independent Variable: What you are testing!!! Dependent Variable: Expected Outcomes Experimental Control: Same as Independent Variable Control-What you kept the same during the experiment.
Due Date This lab is due Monday November 8th If you turn it in before that date, you will receive 25 bonus points. This Power Point will be on Mrs. Hill’s Website Email Mrs. Hill, if you need help hillj@wcde.org