Better regulation working group 50th Meeting of EUPAN Directors-General Responsible for Public Administration Better regulation working group Brdo, 28 May 2008 Mag. Polona SREBOTNJAK VERBINC, Matija KODRA
Better regulation – work done (1) in February Competitiveness Council adopted Key Issues Papers as a contribution to the Spring European Council 2008 and underlined more detailed way of dealing with principles of better regulation initiative in March the Spring European Council adopted conclusions and welcomed progress made on better regulation and considered that further efforts are needed in order to deliver crucial improvements to the competitiveness of EU business, in particular SMEs
Better regulation – work done (2) European Commission is successfully continuing with Action plan for reduction of administrative burdens on business for 25% by 2012 Consortium (Capgemini, Deloitte and Ramboll) haired by EC is continuing with the measurement of administrative burdens for businesses of meeting obligations to provide information under EU legislation and national implementing legislation on the 13 priority fields
Better regulation – RAB for business (1) On the 17 April 2008 we held a conference: Reduction of administrative burdens for SMEs, which was a joint venture between European Commission, Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (UEAPME) and Slovene presidency to EU (Ministry of Public Administration)
Better regulation – RAB for business (2) More then 100 participants from business all across Europe and from state administrations from different member states Two goals where successfully achieved: In the morning Slovene entrepreneurs were familiarized with the European and national project of reducing of administrative burdens by 25%. In the afternoon concrete proposals from Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, UEAPME and United Kingdom for the reduction of administrative burdens were discussed. On this occasion minister Dr. Virant gave the Vice-president of the EC Mr. Verheugen a CD with concrete proposals, which refer to the safety at work, the security of personal data, environment and social affairs
Better regulation – RAB for citizens (1) we are planning to adopt and adapt Dutch Standard Cost Model for citizens focus is on life events (birth of a child, building a house etc.), exposed groups (unemployed, expectant mothers, handicapped persons etc.) and achievement of reduction and simplification results (if possible automatic granting of benefits, single data collection, re-use of information, pre-filling of forms, data sharing etc.) main thought: complicated operations and unnecessary bureaucracy should not be transmitted from paper operations into electronical services
Better regulation – RAB for citizens (2) examples of reduction of administrative burdens for citizens: simplification of procedures for exercising rights upon child birth (still on-going process: forms simplification, enabling of electronic submission of applications etc.) e-services for renewing the validity of the registration certificate (automatic electronic remainder for renewing the validity of registration certificate, abolition of local competence for passports, driving licences and personal ID, enabled possibility of prolonging drivers licences via the internet)
Better regulation – RAB for citizens (3) 3. Change of residence procedures simplification via internet (abolishment of territorial jurisdiction; savings amount to 4,9 mio € per year) 4. Fees payment simplification (establishment of electronical payment of judicial fees, certain fees were eliminated) 5. Abolition of certain personal identity document recall obligation in the Official Gazette (0,14 mio € per year) 6. e-services for income tax (pre-filled written orders in 2008; savings amount to 22,8 mio € per year) 7. e-households (savings 1,1 mio € per year)
NEXT… 29 – 30 May 2008 DBR conference in France 29 – 30 May 2008 BR Conclusions for the Comp. Council in Brussels 20 June 2008 EU conference on burden reduction for business in June in Brussels Pilot project of measuring admin. costs with Dutch SCM for citizens concerning simplification of procedures for exercising rights upon child birth (presentation in September 2008)
Thank you for your attention!