Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) An Architecture for Evolving Communications Leigh Torgerson Protocol Technology Lab Manager Communications Architectures & Research (332) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology ltorgerson@jpl.nasa.gov 818-393-0695 © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
Presentation Topics: Why a Space Networking Architecture? DTN History and Technical Overview NASA Baseline Interplanetary Overlay Network (ION) DTN Suite Current NASA Infusion Activities JPL 332 Protocol Technology Lab Space Networking Testbed and Infusion Support for JPL Questions © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
Why Networking? Primarily because ops team management of point-to-point links doesn’t scale to the future Solar System Internetworking envisioned by NASA / CCSDS! © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. http://ipnsig.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/SISG-Operations-Concept-for-SSI-final-version.pdf https://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Preparing_for_the_Future/Discovery_and_Preparation/Space_internet_to_enhance_Earth_observation (15 Jan 2019) REF: “Operations Concept for a Solar System Internetwork”, Interagency Operations Advisory Group (IOAG), 15 Oct, 2010.
Why Not Just Use Terrestrial Internet Protocols? Six Key Assumptions Internet Protocol Design: Networks are Richly Connected Networks have Short Delay Data Links are Symmetric and Bidirectional Links have Low Error Rates, and that loss is due to Congestion Network Nodes are Trustworthy Connections are END-TO-END Many link paths between routers; Links are persistent, symmetric and transitive IP networks have end-to-end transit times on the order of milliseconds IP networks assume that forward and return bandwidths are approximately the same and that full-duplex operation is normal Error rates typically << 1e-8; TCP loss correction involves retransmission AND reduction of data throughput to reduce assumed congestion along the route IP protocols were initially designed to assume that the network it is trustworthy. https and IPSEC provide additional security, but core protocols assume a trusted environment. © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
Network Characteristics We Face Sparse network Asymmetric; half-duplex or unidirectional links Loss due to corruption, not congestion Loss due to orbital geometry, antenna pointing errors, etc. Inordinately long propagation times between nodes Insecure – the threat: you don’t need a 34m dish to hack lunar comm links for instance TCP breaks, inefficient (OWLT in deep space) - ”chatty” protocols don’t work © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
Quick DTN Intro Video https://youtu.be/c_tcC51PIuM Please see YouTube version https://youtu.be/c_tcC51PIuM © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
Brief Historical Outline The Beginning: 1998 – A few members of JPL Space Mission Operations Standardization Program met with Dr. Vint Cerf to explain our work on enabling FTP/TCP/IP/IPSEC to adequately perform over geostationary satellites hops. We knew that wouldn’t scale to interplanetary distances, and that more research was needed to really expand the internet into space. Vint arranged DARPA funding and became a member of the team to study how to extend the internet into the solar system. © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
1999: the IPN Architecture Core Team Vint Cerf Adrian Hooke Scott Burleigh Bob Durst Keith Scott Eric Travis Leigh Torgerson Howie Weiss JPL: Vint Cerf, Sr. Vice President of Internet Architecture, Worldcom Inc. and JPL Distinguished Visiting Scientist Adrian Hooke, Scott Burleigh, Leigh Torgerson MITRE: Bob Durst, Keith Scott Industry: Eric Travis, Global Science and Technology Howard Weiss, Sparta Advisors: Bob Braden (USC); Len Kleinrock (UCLA); Dave Mills (UDEL); Deborah Estrin (UCLA); Joe Touch (USC); John Wroclawski (MIT); Jon Crowcroft (UCL); John Klensin (ATT); and others © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Salient point: initial interplanetary internet study and designs involved JPL, industry and academia, including pioneers of the internet. RIP Adrian Hooke, Eric Travis
Beginnings: The Interplanetary Internet 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 RFC-5050 BUNDLE PROTOCOL Title Interplanetary Internet (IPN) Architectural Definition Author(s) V. Cerf et al. Filename draft-irtf-ipnrg-arch-00.txt Pages 58 Date 18-May-01 This document describes the Interplanetary Internet - a communication system to provide Internet-like services across interplanetary distances in support of deep space exploration. Our approach, which we refer to as bundling, builds a store-and-forward overlay network above the transport layers of underlying networks. Bundling uses many of the techniques of electronic mail, but is directed toward interprocess communication, and is designed to operate in environments that have very long speed-of-light delays. A URL for this Internet-Draft is http//www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-irtf-ipnrg-arch-00.txt © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Development phase – invent, build advocacy, standardize, try out on a deep space mission
Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networking 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 JAXA DRTS ISS Missions ECOSTRESS CAL + ~38 others ISS – SCaN TESTBED LADEE/LLCD INFUSION PHASE SSI now mainstream within CCSDS DTN flight tested on Epoxi, and in LEO on EO-1 mission DTN on optical links on Lunar Laser Comm Demonstration (LLCD) on the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) Commercial payloads on the ISS – widespread deployment including gateways on ISS and at HOSC ESA and JAXA initiate experiments on ISS; JAXA plans DTN on next their lunar mission Nation-wide DTN Engineering Network set up including NASA Centers, Universities in US and DLR in Germany Core DTN protocols now standardized with IETF and CCSDS © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. DTN on Lunar Gateway
DTN Design Elements Don’t replace terrestrial networking or legacy comm link technology OVERLAY NETWORK! Don’t reinvent reliable link technology TCP/IP on land, Prox-1 for orbiter-to-surface Deep Space Links needed a reliable link – so Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) was developed Deal with loss and delay since contiguous end-to-end paths may be rare Provide a store-and-forward mechanism at each node in the network Fix what the IP design missed 40+ years ago Build in security and integrity Provide for Quality of Service Deal with different routing needs of underlying networks Pre-planned contact plans for space networks, opportunistic routing for ad-hoc situations, IP routing on the ground. Design in provisions for network management, security key management, reliable multicast, projected data transfer types, etc. Asynchronous Management Protocol (DTN-AMP), Delay-Tolerant Key Administration (DTKA), reliable multicast, special protocols for streaming video and applications that need in-order delivery and make intermediate nodes secure by unencrypting only at the destination © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
DTN Stack Overview Non-volatile storage for spacecraft allows DTN state and queued bundles to survive spacecraft reboots. Doesn’t have to be NVS; most any storage system will work. © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
https://youtu.be/cTZQJX5C4Ws DTN for Human Space Flight - iPAS DTN 2019 Using Integrated Power, Avionics and Software (iPAS) distributed testbed between JPL and JSC. Please see YouTube video at https://youtu.be/cTZQJX5C4Ws Gateway / iPAS JSC/JPL DTN Use https://urs.jpl.nasa.gov/Document=URS280882 © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
Benefits of DTN Improved Operations: Interoperability and Reuse: Store-and-forward mechanism Automatic retransmission Contact-based routing Interoperability and Reuse: CCSDS-standardized DTN protocol International interoperability / reuse Space Link Efficiency and Robustness: Reliable links and automatic retransmissions link efficiency Error-corrected data throughput more usable bandwidth DTN Contact Graph Routing multiple network paths and automation of routing of data. Security: Bundle Security Protocol (BSP) end-to-end encryption and integrity checks. Quality of Service: 256 priority levels which can be set for each individual data item Allows sharing of links with a minimum of mission control management. provides better data throughput than conventional methods, less complex scheduling and improved on-board resource utility. © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
Loss Recovery Loops -- Legacy vs DTN Of interest to science community – lower latency, more efficient use of on-board storage © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
What DTN Software is Available? Many public implementations available – DTN2 for university research and terrestrial uses; DTN also available in Java, C, Python – even for Android. For space use, ION is the NASA standard Interplanetary Overlay Network Available on SourceForge https://sourceforge.net/projects/ion-dtn/ Contents: BP LTP Various convergence layers for LTP, TCP/IP, UDP/IP Applications AMS, BSSP, CFDP, DTPC Performance & Network Monitoring DTN-AMP NASA provides encryption modules, convergence layers for TM/TC/AOS © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
Current Programs Using DTN 2019+ ISS Ops side (email / files) Payload ops – either direct or using ISS DTN Gateway (ECOSTRESS, CAL, and about 38 other experiment packages) GSFC PACE mission (FPGA, high-speed downlink implementation) CubeSats (implementing DTN in the IRIS radio) – Lunar IceCube and others KARI lunar program HEOMD baseline for Lunar Gateway; commencing testing this year © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
AES Project DTN Deployment Plan FY18 – Operational Usage FY19 – Increasing Capabilities FY20+ – Widespread Usage ION 3.6.1 ION 3.6.2 ION 3.6.3 ION 3.6.4 NASA ION COMPLETE Android port Windows installer SBSP update Features added to RTEMS port CGR SABR update AMP Implementation Security Policy update Bug fixes IPV6 port “Sticky” Routing OCGR Contact History Exch Scalability Node Auto-config LTP Simplifications Contact plan maturity Bundle deliv times Node Auto-configuration Congestion Forecasting High-Rate Support Information Centric Networking ISS DTN GW H/W Upgrade, ION 3.6.1 TReK Demo, HRF, ECOSTRESS Arcturus ENCODE AES Avionics & SW Integration including CFS Gateway Partners EM-1 Cubesats Gateway NextSTEP Habitat SCaN Future Architecture Studies High-Rate DTN Development Mission & Infrastructure Infusion NASA Infusion Advocacy HEO/SMD Study Incorporate DTN into Ground and Flight Segments (RF and Optical) Significant Operational Use From Brenda Lyons’ DTN Team Presentation February 2019 KARI Ground Testing, Consulting, Payload Planning KPLO Support Commercial Infusion Industry Engagement, SBIR Establish Pilots IETF Standards Commercial Products OGA Missions R&D/Proof of Concept Architecture Inclusion Widespread Use of DTN Opportunity Identification Architecture Consultation
Infusion Support to Space Missions Core DTN Development Team at JPL can provide resources for: System Engineering - Rapid prototyping of multiple node (spacecraft or ground) scenarios with docker containers with actual DTN software ION incorporation in flight software and radios, End-to-end communications and data system system analysis, modeling, simulation and prototyping Testing of implementations from Mission Ops to Spacecraft with AMMOS and DSN included Future RF-in-the-loop testing with DTF-21 © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
PTL EEIS Gold Standard Testbed © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
For More Information Associated with the Internet Society: http://ipnsig.org NASA DTN Site https://www.nasa.gov/content/dtn
Thank you for attending! Questions?
The DTN “Bundle” DTN Bundle and Bundle Agent Functions e2e Applications (e.g., CFDP, CCSDS Packet, VOIP, Video) Bundle API Bundle Fragmentation & Reassembly DTN Bundle and Bundle Agent Functions Bundle Custody Transfer Bundle end-end Integrity Bundle Encryption Security Key Management Bundle Expiration Bundle Agent Management Services © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Bundle Routing Convergence Layer (specific adapters that map Bundles to underlying transmission services) LTP CCSDS- Space Packet or Encap Packet UDP/IP TCP/IP CCSDS TM/TC/AOS CCSDS Proximity Link SONET Ethernet
Legacy Comm Protocols versus DTN DTN is an IMPROVEMENT to current methods, not a replacement © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. CFDP = CCSDS File Delivery Protocol DTN BP and LTP improve CFDP routing and reliability, automating timer settings DTN/LTP automates multiplexing and prioritization of file and stream data LTP provides for optional reliable stream data, with or without DTN bundle protocol Same use of CFDP means DTN is transparent to end user or FSW file creation ops L. Torgerson – 8/24/11
System Engineering Realities © 2019 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Spending money in Phase C/D to save money/improve Mission Ops in Phase E is difficult because of the fact that Mission Ops isn’t usually funded until after launch, so no early investment by Mission Ops managers is possible. DTN should be specified and planned for in Phases A & B! Engage Mission Ops and Science Teams as early as possible.