Global Social Change Key Terms Chapter 22 Global Social Change Key Terms
Social change Variations over time in the ecological ordering of populations and communities, in patterns of roles and social interactions, in the structure and functioning of institutions, and in the cultures of societies. Endogenous force Pressure for social change that builds within a society.
Exogenous force pressure for social change that is exerted from outside a society. Modernization A term used to describe the changes experienced by societies and individuals as a result of industrialization, urbanization, and the development of nation-states.
Cultural lag The time required for social institutions to adapt to a major technological change. Developing nation A nation that is undergoing a set of transformations whose effect is to increase the productivity of its people, their health, their literacy, and their ability to participate in political decision making.
Core state A technologically advanced nation that has a dominant position in the world economy. Semiperipheral area A state or region in which industry and financial institutions are developed to some extent but that remains dependent on capital and technology provided by other states.
Peripheral area A region that supplies basic resources and labor power to more advanced states. Cohort All persons born in a specified time span.