IARS’ Women’s Advisory Board Rosa Heimer Equalities Projects Coordinator IARS International Institute
About the Women’s Advisory Board Currently formed by 10 members Refugee and Migrant women from various African countries Meets monthly at IARS Followed by Activity 1 and Activity 2
Herstory of the Women’s Advisory Board In 2012, a group of 12 refugee and asylum seeking women were recruited as volunteer peer researchers to be part of the user-led action research project ‘Abused no more: the voices of refugee and asylum-seeking women’ – funded by Comic Relief. Volunteers were recruited through various refugee community organisations and specialist refugee charities in London. They received training and interviewed other refugee women about their experiences of gender-based violence in the asylum process and accessing key services. The research findings were used to develop a training for professionals working in the area, which was then co-delivered by the refugee women. After completion of the project this group of women formally became founding members of IARS WAB, which guaranteed their continuous participation in various projects but also gave them opportunity to become involved in IARS’ strategic decisions and evaluation of projects. Followed by Activity 1 and Activity 2
Objectives of the Women’s Advisory Board Ensuring that IARS projects remain user-led Enabling refugee and migrant women to scrutinise IARS projects and take on a responsible role within the organisation Involving refugee and migrant women in co-producing and co-delivering training to other women and organisations Fostering collective empowerment and development Enabling refugee and migrant women to stand up for their rights by attending to workshops, events, speaking at conferences and influencing policy makers and professionals Followed by Activity 1 and Activity 2
Projects that WAB has been involved Gender and Justice Empowerment Project, a 3 years Comic Relief funded project. Move On, Migration & Gender: Vocational and Educational counselling, an EU strategic partnership project involving 7 other organisations across Europe. Abused no more: the voices of refugee and asylum- seeking women, a Comic Relief funded project. Followed by Activity 1 and Activity 2
What members said about WAB… “At WAB they listen to me and that made me feel like I was worth something, that I could be listened to. Before I thought no one is going to listen to me. It is a really good experience.” M., WAB member “The WAB has helped me because now I have more confidence. I didn’t know before that I could like speak in between people, I did really not have a voice. Like when we are in the group we are talking about what’s happened to refugee women and you find yourself experiencing the same problems as others. All the women. Before when you didn’t know, you feel like I’m the only one going through this and then when you come to find out that a lot of people are going through the same situation so that gives you courage” D., WAB member “The best thing about WAB has been able to reach out to other women and getting to know them. We are like sisters here.” Y., WAB member Followed by Activity 1 and Activity 2
Thank you! Followed by Activity 1 and Activity 2
IARS contact details The IARS International Institute 14 Dock Offices Surrey Quays Road London SE16 2XU United Kingdom www.iars.org.uk contact@iars.org.uk Tel. (0044) 207 064 4380 Followed by Activity 1 and Activity 2