Welcome to our science class. Teacher’s Name: Julie McLemore Room 44
Thank you! Thank you for sending the cleaning wipes, glue sticks, paper towels, and additional supplies! Our class truly appreciates your generosity!
Required Materials: Composition Notebook Folder with pockets Lined papers
Amount of Work? Per Millikan Science Department guideline, homework will be 3x per week. Assignments may include: Finishing classwork Completing lab work Current Event report Reading chapter section from the textbook
Interactive Notebook Science notebooks are an everyday part of learning in our classroom. Notebooks are thinking tools. Students will use their notebooks to construct their own conceptual understandings. Students are more engaged in their learning when asked to draw, write, and share their points of view. Notebooks support differential learning.
How can parents help with Homework? Check the student agenda Check Mrs. McLemore’s website. Ask your child to see the completed work.
Quality of Work To make sure that each student has the opportunity to produce quality work: Student will communicate his or her thoughts and ideas in a manner that is easily understood by others: Written in Complete Sentences. Neatly written Provides more than what is asked for There are Indicators of outside research
Classroom Expectations It is important that Students RESPECT themselves, their classmates, school property, and their TEACHERS. Bring required materials to class everyday. Be engaged: Take lesson notes Participate in group discussions Complete all assigned work: HW, Labs, Classwork BE a GOOD Listener.
Communication My email address is njk8865@lausd.net Go to Mrs. McLemore’s webpage. www.millikanmiddleschool.org
Donations? Flyers will be sent home for future donations. Amazon gift cards for science supplies.
Thank you and good night!