Refractivity During IHOP_2002 Tammy M. Weckwerth (NCAR/ATD), Crystalyne R. Pettet (NCAR/ATD), Frédéric Fabry (McGill University), ShinJu Park (McGill University) and James W. Wilson (NCAR/ATD) Water Vapor Intercomparison Workshop, Boulder, 2-3 October 2003
Intercomparisons Fixed and mobile surface stations AERIBAGO SRL Aircraft
Intercomparisons Mean Bias Stn-Radar = 1.68 N units
Intercomparisons Bias is not related to propagation effects since it’s not diurnally dependent Bias is worse at higher humidities
Surface Station Intercomparisons
Surface Station Intercomparisons Excellent correlations Radar has negative bias
Mobile Mesonet comparisons Correlation = 0.81
Correlation = 0.88
AERIBAGO comparisons Correlation=0.89 Correlation=0.75
SRL comparisons
UWKA comparisons Correlation drop occurs between 358 m leg (0.96) and 673 m leg (0.74) Correlation=0.93
Summary Radar Refractivity may be a proxy for water vapor during the warm season. Radar Refractivity shows excellent correlation with surface station and aircraft refractivity. Radar Refractivity has a low bias vs fixed surface stations Vertical depth represented appears to be lower levels of the ABL (<~300 m?). Horizontal resolution is approximately 4 km (although it sometimes appears better).
Ongoing Work Evaluate accuracy of low-level refractivity retrieval Fixed and mobile mesonets Plan to: Add GPS intercomparisons Plan to: Add DRI MMR intercomparisons Evaluate layer over which refractivity retrieval is representative Aircraft in situ measurements SRL intercomparisons AERI intercomparisons Plan to: Add Sounding & Dropsonde comparisons Plan to: Add horizontal and vertical pointing airborne DIAL Plan to: Add TAOS intercomparisons Possibly add: MIPS profiling radiometer intercomparisons Plan to: Evaluate two more days in detail
Comments and Suggestions?
2 km 11 km Correlation=0.88
S-Pol Refractivity Retrieval Variations in q, T and p Boundary detection Advection Pettet et al., next; Fabry and Park, 1700 dryline dryline cool/moist warm/dry
Refractivity: One Day After Heavy Rainfall Aircraft in-situ data Northern edge of aircraft track Ts=45 deg C, Theta60=307 K, q60 = 8.5 g/kg warm/dry Southern edge of aircraft track Ts=32 deg C, Theta60=306.2 K, q60 = 11 g/kg cool/moist
warm/dry cool/moist
Surface station comparisons Correlation = 0.99
Correlation = 0.92 Correlation = 0.98
Correlation = 0.14
Correlation = 0.68