Constitution #4 The Plans
AofC Review List 2 strengths of the AofC: List 2 weaknesses of the AofC:
Something’s wrong! AofC must be revised! Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 12/13 states send representatives Decide to throw out AofC & start over!
Framers Framers (architects) of the Constitution G. Washington elected president James Madison “Father of the Const”
The Ideas Virginia Plan (large state) 3 Branches of Gov Legislative: law making body, known as Congress Bicameral – # of representatives in each house would be based on state’s population
Executive Branch: enforces / executes / carries out laws President Judicial Branch: national court system that interprets laws Supreme Court
New Jersey Plan (small state) 3 Branches Legislative Branch: Unicameral Each state would receive equal number of representatives Executive Branch: More than one president
Judicial Branch: national court system
4 Corners Title each section on both sides: Articles of Confederation Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Constitution On front – draw a picture to represent each
4 Corners On back – Describe the type of gov that this created OR wanted. Be sure to include (if applicable) Who has power – what branches? define roles of each branch how many representatives sent to Congress Was Congress unicameral or bicameral?
Attach to 4 Corners How did the Great Compromise satisfy both large and small states?