The Natural Resources of the Middle East
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Last week’s E.Q.’s & Warm-ups are now available on website. SWA Geography & Political Boundaries Quiz is this Friday. 3rd Period Social Studies Progress Reports go home TODAY! Standard: Natural Resources of SWA Water, Oil, & Natural Gas Essential Question for Tuesday September 4th: What life sustaining natural resource is distributed unequally in SWA? Warm-up: What two bodies of water does the Suez Canal connect? Today We Will: Review for SWA Geography & Political Boundaries Quiz Natural Resources of SWA
Answers E.Q. Answer for Tuesday September 4th: Fresh Water. Only Turkey & Iraq have enough fresh water to meet their people’s needs. All other countries in SWA are struggling to find enough water for their people. Warm-up: The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea & the Red Sea.
The Middle East Today: Standard: G5 Locate selected features in SW Asia Jordan River Tigris River Gaza Strip Strait of Hormuz Suez Canal Euphrates River Persian Gulf Red Sea Arabian Sea
Countries Turkey Iran Afghanistan Israel Iraq Saudi Arabia
Completed by the British in 1869 Suez Canal Completed by the British in 1869
Mesopotamia: ”Land Between the Two Rivers” The Tigris & Euphrates River System Mesopotamia: ”Land Between the Two Rivers” Marsh Arabs, So. Iraq
The Jordan River System:
Dead Sea: Lowest Point on Earth Highest Salt Content (33%) 2,300’ below sea level Highest Salt Content (33%)
Rub al-Khali: Saudi Arabia “The Empty Quarter”
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: SWA Physical Geography & Political Boundaries Quiz is Friday. Take your maps home to use as your Study Guides. Standard: Describe the impact of location, climate, physical geography, and distribution of natural resources on population distribution. Essential Question for Wednesday September 5th: What are the three leading environmental problems in SWA? Warm-up: What narrow waterway connects the Persian Gulf & the Arabian Sea? Today We Will: Review for SWA Geography Quiz Water & Soil Pollution
ANSWERS E.Q. Answers for Wednesday September 5th: Environmental problems in SWA have to do with water and soil pollution. They are related based of the use of chemical fertilizers in farming. A third problem is the building of dams for irrigation and production of hydro-electric power (electricity). Warm-up: The Strait of Hormuz
Desalination (the process of removing salt and other chemicals from seawater) is very expensive and requires complex technology. Water/Soil Pollution Along with irrigation, many farmers are using chemical fertilizers, which have contaminated water supplies through runoff water. This has increased the salt level found in soil, eventually making it impossible to farm. Water pollution has therefore become a growing problem with irrigation. The building of dams is an opportunity and a source of potential conflict for countries in SWA. ~The opportunity is water for irrigation and development of hydro-electric power (electricity). ~The conflict is because it greatly reduces the amount of water available to other countries located further downstream.
Desalinization Plants
Middle East: Climate Regions
Middle East: Population Density
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Physical Geography & Political Boundaries Quiz is TOMORROW! Take your maps home to use as Study Guide. Standard: Describe the impact of location, climate, physical geography, and distribution of natural resources on population distribution. Essential Question for Thursday September 6th: What percent of the world’s oil supply is found in SWA? Warm-up: Where do people tend to live? Today We Will: Finish labeling Maps of SWA by adding Kuwait & Syria Population distribution/Oil distribution
Answers E.Q. Answer for Thursday September 6th: 40-50% of the world’s oil reserves are found in SWA. Warm-up: People tend to live where the temperatures are Moderate (Moderate means temperatures that are not too hot or too cold) and where there is an abundant supply of fresh water.
Standard: G7 Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources and population distribution on SW Asia Oil and Natural Gas The two most “valuable” natural resources found in SW Asia are oil and natural gas . These resources were discovered in the 1900s and United States and European companies controlled the drilling and refining. Over ½ of the world’s known oil reserves are found in this area of the world.
World Oil Reserves
Saudi Oil Fields & Refineries
Standard: G7 Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources and population distribution on SW Asia Countries in SWA that have oil have become incredibly rich (especially oil rich nations surrounding the Persian Gulf). As a result their people, once poor, now enjoy a high standard of living. The countries without oil in SWA have remained poor and have had a much harder time improving living conditions for their people.
Persian Gulf Oil Exports (2003)
Standard: G7 Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources and population distribution on SW Asia Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries- OPEC was created in the 1960s and is made up of the world’s oil-rich countries from SWA, Africa (Nigeria), and South America (Venezuela & Brazil). OPEC’s goal is to control the production & price of oil in the world’s markets.
Leading U. S. Oil Suppliers The U. S. imports 30% of its oil needs from the Middle East.
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Physical Geography & Political Boundaries Quiz is TODAY! Progress Report Cards for all classes go home September 11th. Standard: Describe the impact of location, climate, physical geography, and distribution of natural resources on population distribution. Essential Question for Friday September 7th: Who are Desert Nomads? How do they make a living? Warm-up: What is the U.S.A. #1 economic interest in SWA? Today We Will: Quiz Desert Nomads
ANSWERS Essential Question Answer for September 7, 2018: People who live in the desert roaming from place to place (Oasis to Oasis) in search of water and grazing for their animals (camels and goats). They earn a living by selling their camels and goats and hand made goods such as rugs, and metal work. Warm-up Answer: Maintaining the free flow of oil to the world’s markets.
Desert Nomads
Desert Nomads: People who live in the desert roaming from place to place (Oasis to Oasis) in search of water and grazing for their animals (camels and goats). Desert nomads earn a living by selling their camels and goats and hand made goods such as rugs, and metal work.
Desert Oases: Water at a Premium!